Bring it!

Bring it!


Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
08 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have not claimed to hold any personal moral high ground...
Ok I accept that you may have the humble fortitude to apologise for (evidently by Galveston's current playing and posting) wrongly accusing me of driving him from this site.

Now will you do so?


26 Aug 07
08 Aug 14
1 edit

Now at the risk of being once again accused of taking the moral high ground I really do have better things to do than remonstrate with superhero scourgebag and his sideflick wussjester and would advocate that they take off their jaggy nettle underpants and try to walk lightly upon the ground because their present routine is rather tedious.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Now at the risk of being once again accused of taking the moral high ground I really do have better things to do than remonstrate with superhero scourgebag and his sideflick wussjester and would advocate that they take off their jaggy nettle underpants and try to walk lightly upon the ground because their present routine is rather tedious.
I'm assuming that you are using this as a lame excuse not to apologise.


28 Oct 05
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Now at the risk of being once again accused of taking the moral high ground I really do have better things to do than remonstrate with superhero scourgebag and his sideflick wussjester and would advocate that they take off their jaggy nettle underpants and try to walk lightly upon the ground because their present routine is rather tedious.
Do you have any evidence of the stuff you accused divegeester of on the previous page?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
08 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
What purpose do your Christian beliefs serve, then, if they do not afford you any "moral high ground" in your dealings with non-Christians and Christians you have demonstrated contempt for?
Take it to the Spirituality Forum, Scourgey!

This is the second time (in less than 12 hours) you've tried to turn this into a religious argument. Have you forgotten where you are?

Who is Forum?

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by Doward
tired of she's-a-man
A man with a shrill voice and a bitchy attitude?


26 Aug 07
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by HandyAndy
A man with a shrill voice and a bitchy attitude?
Hey Blandy, sup?


28 Oct 05
09 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie to divegeester
You are a known liar. You were caught pasting excerpts from doctored articles you have not even read. Simply pointing it out is not taking the moral high ground its simply exposing you for what you are.
Do you have any evidence of this?


26 Aug 07
09 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
Do you have any evidence of this?
Yes I proved it at the time because I had the entire original article and your sideflick could tell me nothing about its contents.Now if I may make a suggestion why dont you scourge yourself for with every post you make autumn draws closer and closer.


28 Oct 05
09 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Yes I proved it at the time because I had the entire original article and your sideflick could tell me nothing about its contents.Now if I may make a suggestion why dont you scourge yourself for with every post you make autumn draws closer and closer.
On which thread did you "prove" this?

14 Mar 04
09 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
On which thread did you "prove" this?
OK I give up..." BRING what?


02 Jan 06
09 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
Tell whodey about it. He was the one who wanted to discuss whether his question about Islam and mental illness was fair or not. I was pointing out to him that him joking around on serious matters might not be the best way for him to get the things he wants to discuss taken seriously.
I did not mean to say I was joking around when creating that thread. No, far from it. I was motivated by the picture of the chap in England walking down the street covered in blood carrying a butchers knife who had just killed an Englishman in the name of Allah.


28 Oct 05
09 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by whodey
I did not mean to say I was joking around when creating that thread. No, far from it. I was motivated by the picture of the chap in England walking down the street covered in blood carrying a butchers knife who had just killed an Englishman in the name of Allah.
But if you've diagnosed "mental illness" as being behind the murder, what is the relevance of the religious affiliation? If the killer is sane and murders someone for political or religious purposes then it is surely terrorism and cold blooded homicide.

But if the killer is, in fact, insane and murders someone, then surely the insanity will mean that there is some degree of diminished responsibility. If this is so, then whether the killing is carried out for political or religious purposes, or for revenge, or in the course of a robbery, or because of racism, or a messy divorce, or is simply random and purely psychopathic, or whatever perceived "cause", the insanity will be the key to it.

If "the chap in England walking down the street covered in blood carrying a butchers knife who had just killed an Englishman" was insane, as you suggest, then whether he used the butcher's knife because his wife divorced him, or because he'd lost his job, or he was in the manic phase of his manic depression, or he did it "in the name of Allah", I don't see how it really alters or affects the fact that his victim lay dead and the perpetrator was insane.

If "the chap in England walking down the street covered in blood carrying a butchers knife who had just killed an Englishman" was sane, then you have a cold blooded terrorist murder on your hands.

I'd be very wary of explaining away the behaviour of the guy with the butcher's knife as being a victim of "mental illness" unless you are sure it's the case. Until it's shown to be so, we should treat what he did as a calculated terrorist atrocity.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
09 Aug 14

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
OK I give up..."[b] BRING what?[/b]

Suzzie says Badger

is Racist Bastard

09 Jun 14
09 Aug 14

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
OK I give up..."[b] BRING what?[/b]
IT stees bring IT don't forget IT

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