Bring it!

Bring it!



rebel city

20 Jun 09
09 Aug 14

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
OK I give up..."[b] BRING what?[/b]

Jodie Connor - Bring It. Tinchy Stryder


14 Mar 04
09 Aug 14

Originally posted by redbadger
IT stees bring IT don't forget IT
But I can't find it ...🙁

Suzzie says Badger

is Racist Bastard

09 Jun 14
09 Aug 14

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
But I can't find [b] it ...🙁[/b]
its probably with my wallet and house keys.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
09 Aug 14
2 edits

Originally posted by FMF
But if you've diagnosed "mental illness" as being behind the murder, what is the relevance of the religious affiliation? If the killer is [b]sane and murders someone for political or religious purposes then it is surely terrorism and cold blooded homicide.

But if the killer is, in fact, insane and murders someone, then surely the insanity will mea ...[text shortened]... case. Until it's shown to be so, we should treat what he did as a calculated terrorist atrocity.[/b]
whodey: It was entitled, "Is Islam and mental illness a deadly combo?"

you: But if you've diagnosed "mental illness" as being behind the murder...

me: It was a question, not a diagnoses.

The topic was deemed unfit for discussion so it was deleted. Therefore, your thoughts on this topic are unfit for discussion and should also be deleted.


28 Oct 05
10 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
The topic ["Is Islam and mental illness a deadly combo?"] was deemed unfit for discussion so it was deleted. Therefore, your thoughts on this topic are unfit for discussion and should also be deleted.
Well, I don't think so. The thread was probably deleted because of what certain people posted early in the thread. There are some people on the Debates Forum who take a degree of pleasure in posting stuff on topics like this that is sure to get deleted; it's a kind of fleeting mischievous delight, it seems ~ at least in their minds. If there were a few of such posts at the start, the thread would be doomed.

whodey at first claimed it had been deleted because of its title. I asked him whether the PM from the web site owners specifically said it was being deleted because of the title. And he then admitted that they did not provide an in depth explanation.

I don't think either whodey's concern about the murder of Lee Rigby or my thoughts ~ in response ~ on mental illness, motivation and murder, are "unfit for discussion". Far from it. If you don't want to discuss what either of us has said, then just don't discuss it.

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
10 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
Well, I don't think so. The thread was probably deleted because of what certain people posted early in the thread. There are some people on the Debates Forum who take a degree of pleasure in posting stuff on topics like this that is sure to get deleted; it's a kind of fleeting mischievous delight, it seems ~ at least in their minds. If there were a few of such p ...[text shortened]... ar from it. If you don't want to discuss what either of us has said, then just don't discuss it.
If there's one thing we've learned this week it's that Limeboy and logic are total strangers.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
10 Aug 14
1 edit

BoB vs SoW

...coming this Fall on the RHP channel. Subscribe today!


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
10 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
Well, I don't think so. The thread was probably deleted because of what certain people posted early in the thread. There are some people on the Debates Forum who take a degree of pleasure in posting stuff on topics like this that is sure to get deleted; it's a kind of fleeting mischievous delight, it seems ~ at least in their minds. If there were a few of such p ...[text shortened]... ar from it. If you don't want to discuss what either of us has said, then just don't discuss it.
whodey at first claimed it had been deleted because of its title. I asked him whether the PM from the web site owners specifically said it was being deleted because of the title. And he then admitted that they did not provide an in depth explanation.

There was no second claim... whodey said it was deleted because of the title, period. How does not getting an in depth explanation of why it was deleted translate in your mind to mean it wasn't deleted because of the title?


28 Oct 05
10 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
There was no second claim... whodey said it was deleted because of the title, period. How does not getting an in depth explanation of why it was deleted translate in your mind to mean it wasn't deleted because of the title?
At first, whodey claimed that it was deleted because of the title. It turned out he had not been told that. And it seems unlikely that that was the case. I said nothing about a 'first claim' or a 'second claim'. If you're not interested in talking about the role of mental illness in the death of Lee Rigby, feel free to post about other things. 🙂

Suzzie says Badger

is Racist Bastard

09 Jun 14
10 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
whodey: [b]It was entitled, "Is Islam and mental illness a deadly combo?"

you: But if you've diagnosed "mental illness" as being behind the murder...

me: It was a question, not a diagnoses.

The topic was deemed unfit for discussion so it was deleted. Therefore, your thoughts on this topic are unfit for discussion and should also be deleted.[/b]
mental illness


28 Oct 05
10 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
You do know that you and I aren't the only ones able to read this, right? Or are you going to take the chance that you can bury this page under another mountain of wind?
No, I am not trying to "bury it". Here it is again so that your suggestion is refuted: "I have only used the screen name 'Nick Bourbaki' here at RHP".


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
10 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
At first, whodey claimed that it was deleted because of the title. It turned out he had not been told that. And it seems unlikely that that was the case. I said nothing about a 'first claim' or a 'second claim'. If you're not interested in talking about the role of mental illness in the death of Lee Rigby, feel free to post about other things. 🙂
Under the Freedom of Movement Act men now have the right to wear baggy pants. No longer must we suffer in skinny jeans under the withering glare of feminist fashion police, for we have thrown off the shackles of effeminate scorn and are free to express ourselves as Nature intended.


26 Aug 07
10 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
Under the Freedom of Movement Act men now have the right to wear baggy pants. No longer must we suffer in skinny jeans under the withering glare of feminist fashion police, for we have thrown off the shackles of effeminate scorn and are free to express ourselves as Nature intended.
for we have thrown off the shackles of effeminate scorn and are free to express ourselves as Nature intended.

yes my son, the Kilt!


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
10 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
for we have thrown off the shackles of effeminate scorn and are free to express ourselves as Nature intended.

yes my son, the Kilt!
...the Kilt!

I'm still mulling over that one, but for now one step at a time...

One small step for man, one giant leap for Mens rights!

By the way, what kind of porridge is carried in that pouch you mentioned? I eat oatmeal porridge almost everyday for breakfast. And I prefer rye bread to wheat or other grains.


26 Aug 07
10 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by lemon lime
[b]...the Kilt!

I'm still mulling over that one, but for now one step at a time...

One small step for man, one giant leap for Mens rights!

By the way, what kind of porridge is carried in that pouch you mentioned? I eat oatmeal porridge almost everyday for breakfast. And I prefer rye bread to wheat or other grains.[/b]
rolled oats, we boil them in half water and half milk and serve with salt, kids and wussies take it with sugar.

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