Bring it!

Bring it!


Suzzie says Badger

is Racist Bastard

09 Jun 14
20 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
I would not have any objection to serving alongside homosexuals in any walk of life including in the military.

I think changing the corporate culture within the U.S. military so that homosexuals or bisexuals serving alongside heterosexuals is no longer an issue for anyone concerned might be a generational thing.

I also think that 'gay pride' over the sup ...[text shortened]... I was born and where I am still a citizen) I don't have any idea what the current situation is.
some of my best pals are poofs and bandits and even a few librarians not keen on the butch tattooed ones but hey ho its their life live and let live a hods as good as a sink to a blind norse.

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
20 Aug 14

Originally posted by sonhouse
That's the second time he used that line that I know of. Maybe there are others.
Several others. Limeboy is actually a Chatty Cathy doll.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
20 Aug 14

Originally posted by HandyAndy
Several others. Limeboy is actually a Chatty Cathy doll.
Ah. pull the string and it goes "I WUUV YOU!"


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
20 Aug 14

Originally posted by sonhouse
Ah. pull the string and it goes "I WUUV YOU!"

You and Andy are old enough to remember what it was like in the 50s and early 60s. One time I was waiting to cross the street, and some guy waiting with me began ranting and railing about 'gays' (I won't say the word he actually used). He didn't appear to be talking to me or anyone else, so I ignored him and crossed the street. When I got to the other side I realized he hadn't crossed the street... he was nowhere in sight. I thought this was odd, so I told a few of my buddies about it later in the day and they busted out laughing. They knew I was somewhat naive, so they explained to me what he was doing.

Back then it was how gays would sometimes go looking for other gays to hook up with. They would do this to hide their intent from straights and at the same time broadcast who they were to other gays. They don't have to do this anymore, but sometimes I wonder if a few of those old school poofs are here at this site and still testing the waters...

old habits can be hard to break

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Aug 14

Originally posted by redbadger
some of my best pals are poofs and bandits and even a few librarians not keen on the butch tattooed ones but hey ho its their life live and let live a hods as good as a sink to a blind norse.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
Originally posted by Suzianne
[b]If this were a court of law, I could call witnesses to the stand that might disagree.

But this isn't a court of law. Right. Good thing, too, because you'd also be under oath. [...]

Well, I guess that little statement of "fact" is what is going to doom this thread now...

You do know that you and I aren't the only ...[text shortened]... : I have only used the screen name 'Nick Bourbaki' here at RHP and nowhere else on the internet.
Don't forget to hit the collection plate on the way out.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
No. Here it is again so that your suggestion that I am trying to "bury it" is refuted: "I have only used the screen name 'Nick Bourbaki' here at RHP".
Are you going to post this another 5 or 10 times?

Yeah, I heard you the first 5 times. Of course that doesn't mean I believe it.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
Bobby is like a super hero too, and a good super hero name for him would be Bane of Blowhards. Scourge of Windbags vs Bane of Blowhards... and you can see it all here on the RHP channel.
Pay Per View, no doubt.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Aug 14

Originally posted by whodey
I only had one thread deleted.

It was entitled, "Is Islam and mental illness a deadly combo?"

I thought it was a fair question, what say you?
I say "probably", only because I am not familiar with Islam enough to render an opinion.


28 Oct 05
21 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
Are you going to post this another 5 or 10 times?
Sure. Why not. You said you know people you claim would take oaths in a court of law about it, apparently. So it is your belief in them that you should be questioning. 😉

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
Well I am a firm advocate of freedom of speech and I don't like to see threads deleted but this is a privately owned web site and the its owners' rights to add or delete anything from it is, in a sense, their freedom of speech being exercised, and it trumps the rights of users of the site to post whatever they want. I'd prefer that threads which are offensive to ...[text shortened]... want to but I wouldn't criticize the site's owners for doing what they want with their own site.
The irony is mind-boggling.


28 Oct 05
21 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
Yeah, I heard you the first 5 times. Of course that doesn't mean I believe it.
You said something about me trying to "bury" my statement about that screen name I have used or me trying to get this thread deleted to hide what I had said. However, it's quite the opposite. I am not trying to "bury" it as you claimed I would.


28 Oct 05
21 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
The irony is mind-boggling.
How so?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Aug 14

Originally posted by darvlay
Also, Suzi, how old is that tasteful portrait of yourself in your profile? You still rocking that clueless midget Arizona ditz in the corner look? Who is it you're trying to lure with that picture, anyway?
Stooping low to try to strike back.

What's happened to you, man? That was never your style.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
Sure. Why not. You said you know people you claim would take oaths in a court of law about it, apparently. So it is your belief in them that you should be questioning. 😉
No, unlike some, I do not just hand over my belief in something based on what time it is or how they treated me that day. Unlike some, I don't need to question my beliefs because I don't place my beliefs in ephemeral OR fanciful things. And I do not often believe people just because they tell me something 5 or 10 times, especially while the evidence of their indiscreet misdirection is so blatant. You know, narcissism will only get one so far, and even then the final 20 yards or so must still be walked.

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