Originally posted by Moldy CrowYEAH and they scratch.
Ever hear of a cat dragging a kid out of a burning building ? Ever hear of a cat going to get help when Timmy fell down a well ? Ever hear of a cat doing ANYTHING for a person ?
Cat's are scum . They wouldn't give you the sweat of their balls if you were dieing of thirst .
Cats all the way !!
Dogs are quite pointless and incredibly stupid - yes yes you can "train" them to do all sorts of "clever" things - but that's just like programming a computer.
Cats, on the other hand, are naturally smart and highly insitnctive - I mean, when did you ever see a cat be stupid enough to chase a stick ? Never, your cat would just look at you with an expression to the tune of " Fetch it yourself - if you wanted it so bad, why did you throw it away in the first place?".......
cats i think are more free minded, they wont do silly tricks like sit and roll over, and do their own cute little things of their own, like chase mice, claw wool stuff like that, dogs are also cool very faithful and loyal, and always put you in a good mood (besides when they poop in the house e.c.t) dogs are also very protective which shows compasion and love. . . i love both of them cats and dogs!!!
i have two amazing little jack russels, and a turtle back shabby cat!!!
but i really want a monkey, that would be awsome!!!