Doom and Gloom

Doom and Gloom


A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
04 Sep 16

Originally posted by divegeester
Let me be clear what's going on here Josephw - I'm once again calling you out your duplicity and intellectual dishonestly.

I've started a perfectly innocent thread here and you immediately jump in and attack and insult my spirituality based on the Rolling Stones being "heathen" as you claim. But in another thread you are telling your chum, the honoura ...[text shortened]... d nasty little man who will use his own so-called Christianity to attack people he doesn't like.
What's the matter geester? Can't handle a free and democratic dialogue on an Internet forum where people express their views without resorting to baseless innuendo?

Talk about intellectual dishonesty! For someone who calls themselves a Christian you sure love the world. Maybe you should check up on your own duplicity.

James 4:4


28 Oct 05
04 Sep 16

Originally posted by josephw
That's a good list FMF, but keep going, you might get lucky and hit on the word that describes the individual that has rejected the truth to the point that they wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face.
The topic here is a song you don't like by a band you don't like. I've tried the "they wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face" with people who were unimpressed by the Grateful Dead, Phish and Zappa when I tried to turn them on to them. It doesn't work. There is no such thing as "the truth" when it comes to musical tastes. 😛


28 Oct 05
04 Sep 16

Originally posted by josephw
Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Not your definition of right and wrong, but the universal and objective standard that delineates good from evil. Oh that's right! You don't adhere to such a thing because it's man made like a "God figure" or something. Just make it up as you go along based on your own knowledge and experience.
Take it to Spirituality, spanky! If you don't like the Rolling Stones, just say say so, and be done with it. 😉


28 Oct 05
04 Sep 16

Originally posted by josephw
What's the matter geester? Can't handle a free and democratic dialogue on an Internet forum where people express their views without resorting to baseless innuendo?

Talk about intellectual dishonesty! For someone who calls themselves a Christian you sure love the world. Maybe you should check up on your own duplicity.

James 4:4

Why not add the phone number of your local church in case anyone wants themselves a slice of the brand of the fire and brimstone thing that makes you tick the way you tick. 😵

free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
04 Sep 16

Originally posted by FMF
Music critics? Breakfast radio disk jockeys? Record company A&R contacts? Artists' agents? Songwriters? Music publishers? Concert bookers? Tell us, what is the name for people "who don't know the difference between right and wrong, that can't recognize the truth when they hear it"?
i know, i know!!!

it's "freak throwbacks"...

what do i win???

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
04 Sep 16

Originally posted by josephw
What's the matter geester? Can't handle a free and democratic dialogue on an Internet forum where people express their views without resorting to baseless innuendo?

Talk about intellectual dishonesty! For someone who calls themselves a Christian you sure love the world. Maybe you should check up on your own duplicity.

James 4:4
There is nothing baseless in what I said to you, in fact quite the opposite; I pointed out exactly where your hypocrisy lies.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
05 Sep 16

Originally posted by FMF
There is no such thing as "the truth" when it comes to musical tastes. 😛
Right. According to your definition. You think there's a vacuum, or some sort of neutral zone where nothing matters. You're the master of your own destiny. Define the terms to suit your own perceptions.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
05 Sep 16
2 edits

Originally posted by FMF
Why not add the phone number of your local church in case anyone wants themselves a slice of the brand of the fire and brimstone thing that makes you tick the way you tick.
You don't need a phone number. Just call on the name. If you're not a hypocrite He'll hear you.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
05 Sep 16

Originally posted by divegeester
There is nothing baseless in what I said to you, in fact quite the opposite; I pointed out exactly where your hypocrisy lies.
You've pointed out your own hypocrisy. It's you that's demonstrated a love for the things of this world. And it gripes your ass that I can see through the crap you can't let go of.

Colossians 3:2
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.


28 Oct 05
05 Sep 16

Originally posted by josephw
Right. According to your definition. You think there's a vacuum, or some sort of neutral zone where nothing matters. You're the master of your own destiny. Define the terms to suit your own perceptions.
Neither liking nor disliking the Rolling Stones in the OP can be characterized as a "truth"; it's merely a matter of personal taste.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by josephw
You've pointed out your own hypocrisy. It's you that's demonstrated a love for the things of this world. And it gripes your ass that I can see through the crap you can't let go of.

Colossians 3:2
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
I think it is very clear that my post summing you up on the previous page hit the mark.


06 Sep 16
03 Oct 16
2 edits

Hello Everyone. I’m looking to buy game to play with my younger brother. Today thera are many online stores, my friend suggested me to buy form as the games are available in reasonable price and we can also check demo versions of game on their official site. Your suggestions will be appreciated greatly. Thank you in advance.


santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
03 Oct 16

Originally posted by quincyledoux
Hello Everyone. I’m looking to buy game to play with my younger brother. Today thera are many online stores, my friend suggested me to buy form as the games are available in reasonable price and we can also check demo versions of game on their official site. Your suggestions will be appreciated greatly. Thank you in advance.
how much money ya got?

Felis Australis


20 Jan 09
03 Oct 16

Assuming you're wanting offline chess games, try Rival Chess.
Thread 170257

If chess is not what you're looking for, this is the wrong site to be asking the question.

14 Mar 15
03 Oct 16
1 edit

Originally posted by quincyledoux
Hello Everyone. I’m looking to buy game to play with my younger brother. Today thera are many online stores, my friend suggested me to buy form as the games are available in reasonable price and we can also check demo versions of game on their official site. Your suggestions will be appreciated greatly. Thank you in advance.
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