Originally posted by FMFBand of Brothers... if you could wrap the series up into one 12 hour movie it would probably be my "Favourite War Movie". I've seen the whole series twice and I'd watch it again if I could get hold of it. Best character development ever.
I felt Saving Private Ryan was dishonest, grotesque 50s' style sentimentality. And I think Spielberg made amends, somewhat, by producing Band Of Brothers.
Originally posted by BlackampI suppose they were part of the schlocky package. It was all simply like an Audie Murphy movie from the 50s. It didn't add anything to humanity's understanding of war - as if some cleverly realistic battle scenes will suffice - which is a shame because a large swathe of humanity saw it or bought the DVD.
was it the bookend cemetery scenes that bothered you, mainly?
Originally posted by hopscotchI reckon it was a conscious artistic penance by Spielberg.
Band of Brothers... if you could wrap the series up into one 12 hour movie it would probably be my "Favourite War Movie". I've seen the whole series twice and I'd watch it again if I could get hold of it. Best character development ever.
Originally posted by mikelomIt is about the paradox of the rules of war.
Thank you. Breaker Morant is something I have never seen or heard about, but just read up on the internet, and appears to be very interesting. Is it moving, in a similar way of Platoon, in that young men were thrown into something they didn't understand, or have any idea what they were actually being there for?
Originally posted by FMFBecause I was not alive in the 1940's, I don't feel I'm going to have any kind of accurate impression of that kind if perspective of SPR. I would have to go by the feedback of those who were alive and serving then. While there are a few parts of SPR that exist strictly for cinemagraphic purposes, I have not met a WWII vet yet who said "I didn't like that movie." That's what I choose to go on.
I felt Saving Private Ryan was dishonest, grotesque 50s' style sentimentality. And I think Spielberg made amends, somewhat, by producing Band Of Brothers.