The post that was quoted here has been removedActually no one told me until after it was moderated and I had to ask why. I appreciated you taking time to tell me. TV programs are under certain "moderation" of the FCC so it isn't like the networks can televize anything they want.
As a moderator, do you think the BWA clan should be dissolved? I have asked Russ this question and have yet to get a response. I can see how if the thread we are questioning was removed, it isn't a far jump to see BWA in violation of racial stereotyping and the like.
The post that was quoted here has been removedThe value of this thread is not necessarily in "solutions" but rather the discourse and exchange of ideas. Let me say a little more about why I said it was appropiate for a 13 year old. I have two teenage girls. I tend to think it abusive on some level to deprive children, especially at that age, of a sense of humor. Children need to be able to joke about sex as well as appreciate it and learn from their parents. I look at these knuckleheads in this cult down in Texas and look at the terrible moderation they have lived with. It is tragic.
Originally posted by epic0002That brings up a good question. You have an internet site that has a degree of moderation, yet there exists private forums where anything goes. To me it is kind of analogous to a strip club that has regulations that the dancers can't be nude and there can be no touching, but they have the "Champagne Room" where anything goes. Is there something wrong with this analogy?
So I guess I can quote CIV then?
Actually I think you have to pay extra for the "Champagne Room." So I've heard anyway.
I dont mind strip club rules... because they apply to EVERYONE. DONT TOUCH.. but in our GF here you have post/threads removed, people banned etc... but Im still having to stare at Phlabs post on page 3 (and it doenst matter who said it first) thats states... Black guys are bad fathers, dress poorly,only like crappy music,and are lazy... how offensive.