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Has it always been this ugly...

Has it always been this ugly...


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In the forums?

There are some real SDers out there who hate God, Christians, Republicans, Democrats, Communists, Aborted Fetuses (Feti?). And then there are those who discuss and debate in a civil manner over a variety of topics. I don't know where I fall in. I hate talking politics and I loathe longwinded know-it-alls. I like to laugh and be a smartass though.

As I am relatively new here, I've noticed a decline in civilized conversation in the last month since I started coming to these forums and more attention is being focused on the hate threads and insult orgies.

So I want to know what it was like before me. Were those better times? Did people get along better? Or has this always been the case?

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Hmmm...let's see. You joined in January?
Well, I've been a member of RHP for about 2 years as of last month; however, I took an extended break (for about 6 months) during this time. I can tell you about when I first came here, though.
The site was much different, but I'll try not to bore you with telling you about how all the features were new, etc. I'll just stick to talking about the forums. There were so many great people. People that I wish to one day meet. Some of them are still active forum-goers...but most have left the site. It is really sad to see so many of your friends leave, but it happens.
The real answer is no, it didn't used to be this ugly. There wasn't a debate forum or anything like that so everything was jumbled up in the General forum. This occasionally started some fights (because such and such has been starting too many debate threads and they are making my jokes go to page 2, etc.)
But there was never anything like what I have seen today. Tuco had his erra and there were the Schliemann-haters and there were the spammers. Ha ha ha, don't get me started on the topic spamming πŸ˜‰
In reality, it seems like everyone just pretty much got along. Of course they weren't Clans and uChess wasn't live yet, so all there was to do was chat and play chess. It was really fun.
I have read some stuff today that makes me sick.
Darvlay, you are not alone in this matter of thinking that the forums are corrupted. I agree 100%.

EDIT! My only tip is to stay away from the Debates forum. There are a lot of nice people at this site that turn really ugly in that forum. Friendships have been broken because something evil has been said. Also, the clans forum has been kinda nasty as of late.
The definition of goading: a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something. I don't think a lot of the stuff in the clans forum is 'goading' but rather pure hate and cruelness.
Of course, this is all just my opinion. I'm just one person in the group of hundreds of thousands.

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Originally posted by darvlay
In the forums?

There are some real SDers out there who hate God, Christians, Republicans, Democrats, Communists, Aborted Fetuses (Feti?). And then there are those who discuss and debate in a civil manner over a variety of topics. I don't know where I fall in. I hate talking politics and I loathe longwinded know-it-alls. I like to laugh and be a sma ...[text shortened]... e me. Were those better times? Did people get along better? Or has this always been the case?
you would have loved it a few years ago, there was still bickering but nothing like it is now. I used to really enjoy these forums where you discussed issues and had threads about your interests without people getting involved if they disagreed and making the site filled with as much hate (harsh word to use) for everyone else.


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Originally posted by Jacko
you would have loved it a few years ago, there was still bickering but nothing like it is now. I used to really enjoy these forums where you discussed issues and had threads about your interests without people getting involved if they disa ...[text shortened]... with as much hate (harsh word to use) for everyone else.

Here is a perfect example of one of me old mates...Jacko! Only weren't you Jacko007 back in the day?
I think that it got ugly when more and more people became active in the forums. I could sit here and remember good times all day long.
Remember things like 'The Longest Thread in RHP History' and when we would really celebrate people's b-days.
And Red Hot Ted πŸ˜€
And the MAP wars πŸ˜›
And when friendship really meant something.
And, of course, the chess has always rocked 😡
Gosh, I love this site.

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Originally posted by darvlay
In the forums?

There are some real SDers out there who hate God, Christians, Republicans, Democrats, Communists, Aborted Fetuses (Feti?). And then there are those who discuss and debate in a civil manner over a variety of topics. I don't know where I fall in. I hate talking politics and I loathe longwinded know-it-alls. I like to laugh and be a sma ...[text shortened]... e me. Were those better times? Did people get along better? Or has this always been the case?
This is nonsense.

Has it always been this ugly in RL?

Me thinks not... it dont hav nuttin' ta do with the site ya loony tune! πŸ˜‰


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Originally posted by darvlay
In the forums?

There are some real SDers out there who hate God, Christians, Republicans, Democrats, Communists, Aborted Fetuses (Feti?). And then there are those who discuss and debate in a civil manner over a variety of topics. I don't know where I fall in. I hate talking politics and I loathe longwinded know-it-alls. I like to laugh and be a sma ...[text shortened]... e me. Were those better times? Did people get along better? Or has this always been the case?
Some nice people also have bad days and like to curse.
Don't judge them as bad people πŸ˜‰

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Originally posted by Mayharm
This is nonsense.

Has it always been this ugly in RL?

Me thinks not... it dont hav nuttin' ta do with the site ya loony tune! πŸ˜‰

...but it's fun to sit back and think about RHP's history. Everyone should know where we come from.

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Originally posted by zach918
Here is a perfect example of one of me old mates...Jacko! Only weren't you Jacko007 back in the day?
I think that it got ugly when more and more people became active in the forums. I could sit here and remember good times all day long.
R ...[text shortened]... of course, the chess has always rocked 😡
Gosh, I love this site.
yeah, i got the name change a while ago as there was not an active member called jacko and i kinda went off bond πŸ˜›

Ahh the longest post, what a good way to waist time πŸ˜›


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Bickering is beautyful!!!!!

However taking a look at forums a couple of years ago,the situation was the about the same.
MAP wars were a good excuse to bicker.
There was also this guy,Xenophobe, that everyone confronted to him is a priest.
Also cheating threads were always here,hmmmmm zach?

Forums were like now,maybe today they are a little worse,but only because there is more people:now there are 4000+ active players,not 900/1000 like 2 years ago.

However the beauty of forums is that if you don't like a thread you always can jump to another,or not?

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Originally posted by darvlay
[b]In the forums?
The way I see it, is, that there seems to be a bit of uneasiness in the air in general (all across the world-not just at RHP). Since a few years back, everybody seems to be getting more ego-centric & selfish (which may not be a bad thing) ... But, the outcome is a society that is very indifferent. There is no longer a sense of community or belonging (it's every man/woman for themselves).
So, what is happening here at RHP (for me) is just a reflection of what I see at the workplace & with the family & friends & neighbours. But I am sure though that things will change as soon as they came.

With love & respect,


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Ever since 9/11 and America went WACKO, the world has been very different. Before 9/11, at G7-8-9 meetings, ppl were seriously discussing the world as one united nation, I never even imagined a world with nothing but war, which seems to be the norm right now, I was obtimistic and actually thought we evolved as a species heading into the 21st century. Now, thanks to IMMATURE Americans not being able to SUCK UP 9/11, things have changed. Now, we have this, and the behaviours in RHP are a by product. It's the new world folks, a world of hate, and everyone is on the defensive.

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Well,I respect your point but I don't think that the general Rhp attitude is due to 9/11 consequencies.

I made bad posts because I'm nasty myself,not because I couldn't ''suck up 9/11''.

I find you stating that ''americans are immature'' pretty immature itself.

Who are you to judge americans reaction towards 9/11?

What if Osama dropped a jet on Toronto?
What would be your reaction?

Edit:replying to mateulose,obviously.......

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