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I hate Shiv

I hate Shiv


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Nasty, pointy blighters....not nice to meet in a dark alley. 😛

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
Nasty, pointy blighters....not nice to meet in a dark alley. 😛
Another moderator-dreaded server/screen space consuming thread...

sad, vacuous and (since it's knee jerk duplicate pitiful) forgivable.

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How pompous, and inaccurate of you.

This is me not caring 🙄

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
How pompous, and inaccurate of you.

This is me not caring 🙄
RHP General Forum persons in authority have always given and still give everbody, subscriber and non-subscriber alike, a fair shake and

adhere to objective policy standards. The generosity reflected in RHP General Forum Policy leniency and latitude continues to amaze me.


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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
RHP General Forum persons in authority have always given and still give everbody, subscriber and non-subscriber alike, a fair shake and

adhere to objective policy standards. The generosity reflected in RHP General Forum Policy leniency and latitude continues to amaze me.

So, are you objecting to spinoff threads ? Is that your problem ?

Are you trying to tell me that they are against the TOS, or something like that ?

I find your attempt at dictating the content of the general forum to be quite funny...Bobby, or bowbby, or whatever your name is.

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
So, are you objecting to spinoff threads ? Is that your problem ?

Are you trying to tell me that they are against the TOS, or something like that ?

I find your attempt at dictating the content of the general forum to be quite funny...Bobby, or bowbby, or whatever your name is.
Huck, have you realized you're alone? Notice yet that there's nobody else,

except yours truly, in this highly entertaining "I hate Shiv" room?

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Observing! 😏😏

Outcome excites me! 😉😉


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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Huck, have you realized you're alone? Notice yet that there's nobody else,

except yours truly, in this highly entertaining "I hate Shiv" room?
I was replying to you, otherwise there would've been nobody....now there's three...oooh weee, we've got a party going.

This isn't a room, it's a thread. Theads of three and four posts appear and leave all the time, is that what you're complaining about ? Is it small threads ?

Do you believe that threads that don't have more than 10 posts should be deleted ? How about threads that haven't been posted in for 12 hours ? Maybe they should go.

Tell me, oh wise forum master, what threads should be posted, and which should be discarded ?

here's a useless thread Thread 89859

Only two posts, the creator should be ashamed.

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
I was replying to you, otherwise there would've been nobody....now there's three...oooh weee, we've got a party going.

This isn't a room, it's a thread. Theads of three and four posts appear and leave all the time, is that what you're complaining about ? Is it small threads ?

Do you believe that threads that don't have more than 10 posts sh ...[text shortened]... ess thread Thread 89859

Only two posts, the creator should be ashamed.
Can you open the door Huck please? I cannot enter the room. 😵

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
I was replying to you, otherwise there would've been nobody....now there's three...oooh weee, we've got a party going.

This isn't a room, it's a thread. Theads of three and four posts appear and leave all the time, is that what you're complaining about ? Is it small threads ?

Do you believe that threads that don't have more than 10 posts sh ...[text shortened]... me, oh wise forum master, what threads should be posted, and which should be discarded ?
Bridle those raw emotions, huckleberry. When you calm down, maybe we'll be able to continue our pleasant conversation.

If you're out prowling and randy for your typical gutter fight, sorry to disappoint, but you really picked the wrong guy.



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Your threads suck Huck bur Booby's thread's are the best. I love reading crap like that. 😵

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Originally posted by kenan
Can you open the door Huck please? I cannot enter the room. 😵
Sure, come in.....i need members to make this thread allowable under the BTOS, or the Bowmann Terms of service 😛

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Ok. I am leaving the room now. Byzzzz. 😵

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Originally posted by kenan
Ok. I am leaving the room now. Byzzzz. 😵
Feel free to drop by anytime, don't forget you........oh 😛

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Originally posted by mikelom
Observing! 😏😏

Outcome excites me! 😉😉

Why does it not surprise me that your ever watchful and knowing eye is (almost) everywhere in the Land

of No Return. Please do keep a close one on masterlom & mom, new car child seat, appliances, etc.



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