Wow. Happy Birthday, Kirk!
You've been one of my dearest friends for every second that I've been active on this website.
You rock, to say the least.
You are there when I need a should to cry on, a butt to kiss, or a toe to step on.
You are...
Really interesting
Kooky 😛 (just kidding)
If you can always remember what you did yesterday,but can't recall your grade 3 teach'es name your not doin too bad .It's when you not only remember teach'es name but also ,where you stuck that piece of gum ,you know you have passed a certain point of no return..But don't worry it didn't start with me till I was 49 🙄 HAPPY BIRTHDAY🙂
Originally posted by Windsor MikeOK, I'm in trouble then.
If you can always remember what you did yesterday,but can't recall your grade 3 teach'es name your not doin too bad .It's when you not only remember teach'es name but also ,where you stuck that piece of gum ,you know you have passed a certain point of no return..But don't worry it didn't start with me till I was 49 🙄 HAPPY BIRTHDAY🙂
First grade- Kowalski
Second- Fergosi
Third- Stevens
Fourth Cogdill
NOw I can't recall a single one from 5th grade to 11th.
Originally posted by old Snoop Dogg fan.....mind if I call ya uncle Junebug?
Thank you all very much. I'm 47.................old enough to worry about prostate health. Old enough to start turning republican (at times). Old enough to be prudish and hipocritical with my kids. Old enough where Celebrex and Advil are part of a balanced diet. Hey, but I'm alive!