Originally posted by sonhouseex-antiquintupledollywhopperdiddledingerdoodleddisenchanteldiapoornosierr.
One who denies one who thinks there could be imaginary words he just doesn't have enough evidence and has four siblings who don't either.
One who usta could but cain't no mo', an' his four siblings cain't no mo' neither.
Originally posted by moonbusex-antiquintupledollywhopperdiddledingerdoodleddisenchanteldiapoornosierrs.
One who usta could but cain't no mo', an' his four siblings cain't no mo' neither.[/b]
Two or more who usta could but cain't no mo', an' have four siblings cain't no mo' neither.
Originally posted by moonbusonewhoustacouldbutcaintnomoanhisfoursiblingscaintnomoneither
One who usta could but cain't no mo', an' his four siblings cain't no mo' neither.[/b]
an ex-antiquintupledollywhopperdiddledingerdoodleddisenchanteldiapoornosierr.