Oh man...as sad as it is I do not do the floors in my house...Beck
gets those...but I do help with the cleaning of pretty much everything
else...well wait..I vacuum the carpet...does that count?
Captain USA
The Diplomat
Completly inadequate for the title "Domestic Engineer"....but
Domestically Challenged might fit...hehehe
IM and GM titles are permanent.
I know of at least one GM player who's current rating is just over 2300
(GMs are usually above 2500) and there are WGM (Women
Grandmasters) rated under 2200!
Of course you lose your master status when your rating drops below
2200, but not the IM or GM title. Most strong master players stop
playing when their minds can no longer produce a good game. Even
then, they could beat you and I blindfolded!