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can't there be some kind of message system to tell you that you have a new message? like the games one??? cause i rarely go to my "home" page thingy-i come to this site then go straight to my "games waiting" link...

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i don't think to check to see if i have any new messeges either! i think that is a great idea, right by the "-- games waiting" there should be a "-- new messages". you should submit that in the help & ideas forum

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Originally posted by zach918
i don't think to check to see if i have any new messeges either! i think that is a great idea, right by the "-- games waiting" there should be a "-- new messages". you should submit that in the help & ideas forum
If you guys read the help site ideas forum you'd know that this has been suggested many times already... Russ has a long list of things to do 😉

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i never get round to reading that forum-the reason is probubly that in my experience "site ideas" forums (which is only one, and it's another chess site) the webmaster rarely took heed from the forum-infact he stopped people from replying to a post that critisised a new feature on the site! 😠

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Originally posted by genius
i never get round to reading that forum-the reason is probubly that in my experience "site ideas" forums (which is only one, and it's another chess site) the webmaster rarely took heed from the forum-infact he stopped people from replying to a post that critisised a new feature on the site! 😠
Take a look at it here at RHP, and you will discover that Russ checks that forum more frequently than any other, and responds quite regularly to suggestions.

regards, Marc

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Wow - my own thread named after me (and in turn, an Offspring song) how amazing! Just one question - are the moderaters on this board over-zealous or something. One hint of free thought / speech and they stamp on you quicker than a bug. This is actually illegal under international law observe:

Article 9 European Convention on Human Rights: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

Article 10 of the same convention: Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. this right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information an ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

Article 18 universal declaration on human rights: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19 UDHR: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Wonder how long this'll stay up for, eh?

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Originally posted by nobrakes
Wow - my own thread named after me (and in turn, an Offspring song) how amazing! Just one question - are the moderaters on this board over-zealous or something. One hint of free thought / speech and they stamp on you quicker than a bug. This is actually illegal under international law observe:

Article 9 European Convention on Human Rights: Everyone ha ...[text shortened]... deas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Wonder how long this'll stay up for, eh?
I just thought I'd add a legitimate post so when my previous one gets erased my message wil still be there in all its glory: enjoy!

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I'll be amazed if the above two posts are still here in an hour's time

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Welcome to international waters my friend! Here in neverland, we tend to make it suitable for the kiddies. 😉

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Meh - I'm 18, I'm a consenting adult. I don't care.😛

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I am a consulting adult as well, and I'm no stranger to "colorful metaphors". There actually are a lot of minors who play here though.

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Originally posted by Rhymester
If you guys read the help site ideas forum you'd know that this has been suggested many times already... Russ has a long list of things to do 😉
In fact, I have done this already, along with time zones, and showing original PSs - but all the code is sat on our test server at the moment.

A bit more work to do, and it will be released. 😏


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Originally posted by Russ
In fact, I have done this already, along with time zones, and showing original PSs - but all the code is sat on our test server at the moment.

A bit more work to do, and it will be released. 😏

that will be a really cool feature, then people won't have to spam quite so much in the forums

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Originally posted by zach918
that will be a really cool feature, then people won't have to spam quite so much in the forums
he-he, thinking of a witty reply to that wouldn't have been hard...😲...but i refrained...anyway, how will it stop people from spamming? also-nobrakes-seriously, "up my own ass"???

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