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Any animal lovers out there?
I'm more a cat person than a dog person myself. Dogs are too needy. I get along with them very well, but don't want to live with one.
I have a one-eyed cat, a former stray, named Jacob. I had a cat when I was in America named Michael. Long ago I had some green tree frogs and fire-bellied toads. As a kid I had the usual occasional goldfish.
My favorite pets ever were my ferrets. I used to have several. Gus, Belle, Bear, Felix, and Penny. Ferrets are actually about as needy as dogs. More so in some ways. I was younger then and had more energy. They're very smart and so much fun. I had to find a new home for them when I left America. Gus was my first little buddy. I miss him very much. Dear Belle was my baby girl, and I was so sad when she died :'( She had an adrenal gland tumor and by the time it was discovered she was too weak for surgery. Bear was originally Little Bear, (no kidding) but he ended up rather big for a ferret. Felix was actually a girl, but her former owner (all my ferrets but Gus were orphans) had thought she was a boy and gave her a boy's name πŸ™‚ Penny I only had for a few months so I didn't get to know her too well. I took my babies to a wonderful ferret shelter in northern Ohio, where dozens of ferrets are well looked-after.
Anyone else got a favorite (or least favorite) pet?

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Cat person here.Currently have one female cat from hell.She's a nuisance,always up to all kinds of mischief.But I love her 😡
Oh,she's ginger with one white paw.

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The Passing Of Milo

Last week my grandson's both had a lesson in life. Their pet hamster, Milo, passed on at the ripe old age of three and a half. That is a good life for a hamster, but his passing was pretty tough on the seven and four year old boys. Milo was part of their first memories you see.

Trying to make them feel better, their Mom had a nice funeral and put old Milo into a shoe box and had a nice service for him. He went into the weekly trash at that point, and then the family loaded into the car and headed to the home depot for some materials and ideas. They have erected a memorial in the back corner of the garden in our back yard. It is built of paver bricks and blocks, all hand painted. The kids designed and built it themselves. Looks really nice.

So Milo is at peace. That only leaves us with a Calico Cat named "TC"... you guessed it, "The Cat". She insists on setting "On Me" as i work each day. She has really sharp claws and will not take no for a reply, nevermind an answer.

And my dog, "Abu Zabu Doggie, Middle Yard Terrorist First Class"... Zabu or "Zobby" for short. She is a pure bred... almost regal type of ... Mutt. She is a rescued runt and my wife's best friend. ( Yes... I am second on that list! )

And the kids dog "Kaiiah". She is the athlete of the family. Aussie Shepard, Blue Healer mix with eyes that can melt the heart of anyone.

The only other animals are a few hundred odd millions of mites and bugs and spiders. "Voofy" the spider has dissappeared this week. Hope he had a good life.

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
The Passing Of Milo

Last week my grandson's both had a lesson in life. Their pet hamster, Milo, passed on at the ripe old age of three and a half. That is a good life for a hamster, but his passing was pretty tough on the seven and four year old boys. Milo was part of their first memories you see.

Trying to make them feel better, their Mom had a ...[text shortened]... bugs and spiders. "Voofy" the spider has dissappeared this week. Hope he had a good life.

Just Pluto here, named for Edgar Allan Poe's 'Black Cat'. Totally black, very large, former stray. Close confidant. If I've ever said something clever or posted such a thig here, it was probably his idea.

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Hi I am a dog person myself but 3 weeks ago my 13 year old daughter Arrived home with a jet black kitten. Now I have never been the most charitable guy around cats but this little thing is lovely. Vey playful and as clean as an 11 week old kitten can be!! One major, major problem----------Within 10 minutes of being within 3 feet of the thing my left eye itches like crazy. It ends up like Arnild Schwarzneggers eyes in Total Recall😲 Not pretty😳
Problem No.2 I have a constant cold and chesty wheeze But I have just quit the fags 5 weeks ago so I don't know. Problem 3 How do I get rid of the thing without being big bad Dad????? πŸ™„

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Originally posted by thepunter
Hi I am a dog person myself but 3 weeks ago my 13 year old daughter Arrived home with a jet black kitten. Now I have never been the most charitable guy around cats but this little thing is lovely. Vey playful and as clean as an 11 week old kitten can be!! One major, major problem----------Within 10 minutes of being within 3 feet of the thing my left eye ...[text shortened]... ago so I don't know. Problem 3 How do I get rid of the thing without being big bad Dad????? πŸ™„
I had a similar problem with my daughter, but she was the one allergic to cats. She cried and cried when she came home from the allergist. But I did not get rid of the cat. The cat turned mean with my youngest daughter and used her for a scratching post. My oldest knew that this was intolerable so we made a deal. If we got rid of the cat, we would find a more suitable and friendly pet. We rescued a coonhound which has turned out to be the most lovable pet you could imagine. Cat forgotten. End of story.

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Originally posted by thepunter
Hi I am a dog person myself but 3 weeks ago my 13 year old daughter Arrived home with a jet black kitten. Now I have never been the most charitable guy around cats but this little thing is lovely. Vey playful and as clean as an 11 week old kitten can be!! One major, major problem----------Within 10 minutes of being within 3 feet of the thing my left eye ...[text shortened]... ago so I don't know. Problem 3 How do I get rid of the thing without being big bad Dad????? πŸ™„
I am actually allergic to cats myself. It used to be pretty severe, actually, but I love them so much I eventually got adjusted to them. Now I'm fine unless I touch one, in which case I must rinse off my hands with water before touching my face. Used to be I couldn't even be in a room where cats had been without the sneezing and the itchy, watery eyes.
There are some cat shampoos which greatly reduce the allergenic irritation. I don't remember any brand names, but one such shampoo really saved me before I became accustomed to cats.
As for your third problem, I won't touch that with a ten-foot pole πŸ™‚

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cat person here, one cat called Shadow. he, for those who are incompetent, is white.

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Originally posted by SirLoseALot
Cat person here.Currently have one female cat from hell.She's a nuisance,always up to all kinds of mischief.But I love her 😡
Oh,she's ginger with one white paw.
And we named her 'Fluffy' πŸ™‚

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2 cats (George and Harry) and one goldfish (Flobalob). πŸ™‚

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Originally posted by huntingbear
Any animal lovers out there?
I'm more a cat person than a dog person myself. Dogs are too needy. I get along with them very well, but don't want to live with one.
I have a one-eyed cat, a former stray, named Jacob. I had a cat when I was in America named Michael. Long ago I had some green tree frogs and fire-bellied toads. As a kid I had the usual oc ...[text shortened]... re dozens of ferrets are well looked-after.
Anyone else got a favorite (or least favorite) pet?
I've got a cat, Ziggy, who i love very much πŸ™‚

Check out her pics on my site


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When I was a kid I had two ducks. They did not have names, because you couln't tell who was who. They must have been identical twins ........ πŸ˜›

... and I had tropical fish. Beautiful !

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I've got a miniature dachsund name Simeon. He's balck and tan. I've never owned or seen and animal with as much energy. He never slows down! He's got this tennis ball, and I have to keep throwing the darn thing from the time I get home to the time I go to bed, non-stop, or he starts wining. I love him, though.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

When I was a kid I had two ducks. They did not have names, because you couln't tell who was who. They must have been identical twins ........ πŸ˜›

... and I had tropical fish. Beautiful !
Weird. I had two ducks as a kid as well. Faustus and Verbeena.

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Originally posted by royalchicken
Weird. I had two ducks as a kid as well. Faustus and Verbeena.
i had a chicken once called royal he was so great that great that when he got fat we ate him πŸ™‚...mmmmm..πŸ˜‰

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