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Phlabs for President [Campaign Kick-Off] 2010

Phlabs for President [Campaign Kick-Off] 2010


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He speaks PURE FACT!~

With the trolls he FIGHTS!~


What else do you need?

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Please feel free to link threads in which our courageous
candidate mops the floor with the dignity of random trolls.

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Where does he stand on bugs?

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Bugs he just CRUSHES!~

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Originally posted by Seitse
Bugs he just CRUSHES!~
But - where??

You're a politician in RL, huh. Or an attorney. 😉

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Originally posted by Seitse
He speaks PURE FACT!~

With the trolls he FIGHTS!~


What else do you need?
yes, but who are the other candidates?

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Originally posted by orion25
yes, but who are the other candidates?
There are no other candidates.

Phlabs is just TOO MUCH!~

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Originally posted by Seitse
Please feel free to link threads in which our courageous
candidate mops the floor with the dignity of random trolls.
Here we see him patiently sodomizing retardedness
with the power of his keyboard.

Thread 128883

People: This is PURE FACT!~

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Originally posted by Seitse
Bugs he just CRUSHES!~

I only have beef with stinging insects that start crap. Even poison spiders get a fair shake with me.

They go in a cup or web vs. the local spiders. Winner takes all.

I am NOT one who kills insects. I hold them in high regard.

Just the other day at RoCkNiGht there was a spider near the wheel of my friend's chair. I pushed his chair back. The spider broke free and another friend was going to STOMP!~

I actually yelled "NO"!~

He backed off, seeing it important to me I guess.

"Dude, they eat mosquitos... and we sure don't need any more rain".

The same treatment is given to beetles and other strange insects. Ants are on their own... depending where they are.

Destructive bugs WILL PERISH.

I just don't see myself any better than any given bug. What if someone wanted to smash YOU? Just because they are bigger or smarter? Know the value of ALL LIFE.


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Originally posted by Seitse
There are no other candidates.

Phlabs is just TOO MUCH!~
Then he has my full support. Phlabibit for the win!!

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Now that the bug thing is cleared up, where does he stand on children? In the living room?

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Originally posted by Badwater
Now that the bug thing is cleared up, where does he stand on children? In the living room?
He's all about troll CRUSHING!~

... so, kids are safe as long as they are not trolls.

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I won't vote for him. He's got lousy taste for women. 😠

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Originally posted by adam warlock
I won't vote for him. He's got lousy taste for women. 😠
So you're gonna hate on Phlabs because he doesn't have a thing for male French comedians? 😛

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