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Proof about cheating Xeno

Proof about cheating Xeno


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If you look at the public games and look at the NUMEROUS matches
between xenophobe and matthew you will see that xenophobe has
won around 30 games with TWO MOVE checkmates against matthew,
EVERY TIME. Now do you really think a player would fall for the same
two moves
a) 30 times
b) within a couple of minutes of each other,

his matches with matthew come in blocks and are all a couple of
minutes within each other, so the people who have been defending
him before DEFEND HIM THIS TIME, when there is compelling evidence
against him, when you read this post your thoughts onto the forum.
Chrismo & Russ will see the discontent among the rhp followers and
will have no choice but to get rid of him once and for all.

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I saw the games and it is like you say, but he could cheat with the
points but, i believe his strengs is really true.

The players who respect xenophobe are waiting his response to this

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Those games were all last December, and he admitted to it in public.

Get over it, and move on.

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I don't know what the objective is, but if you check usman and
usman19, there is some funny business going on there as well.

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Yeah just because usman is Scottish doesn't mean he can cheat. It's
so obvious and cheating should be frowned upon. I feel there is no
need for cheaters at this site and therefore action should take place in
some form or another such as a banning, even if they did before and
admitted it like Xeno. You can't change the past.Cheaters are
Cheaters. It is not fair on everyone else!

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I agree. "It happened months ago and he admitted it" doesn't cut it,
not when so much of the online experience depends on trusting your
opponent. .

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If you don't trust him then don't play him. I understand it's difficult to get a
game with him anyway unless you're pretty well up in the table.

It happening months ago does matter, because any points he gained from those few
games (which wasn't many anyway becuase of the points difference) will have been
evened out by subsequent games by now.

Xeno's been pretty much ignoring the forums and getting on with his games
recently. Any discussions on his past cheating will only bring him in here to
defend himself and he does that very agressively.

Let it go, get on with playing chess, there's nothing you can do about it anyway.

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My name is Khalid, and I am new to this site. Overall, it seems to be pretty good.
What disappoints me is that the 'best' two players either cheat to get there
(Xenophobe, according to the previous post) or are just plain obnoxious (Baron
Von Munchousen, who made some comment about him sleeping with my mother).
It is a shame that this site tolerates either sort of behaviour.

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I'm sorry that some of your initial experiences have been with several of red hot pawns more
"colorful" inhabitants. You are bound to meet yet more of these characters in the future, as there
are a number who provide endless ...."entertainment" - as accurate a word as I'm sure our
moderators will let me use.
As many of the more outrageous behaviors of members do get discussed in the forums, it does
provide a helpful way of judging your opponents character. If you see many negative posts about
a player, or find posts by a player to be unreasonable, then take it as good evidence to avoid a
game with that person.
It is also helpful to look at a persons public games to gauge the level of play they are at, and
whether it is comparable to your own. Since many players here (the sneetches without stars in their
bellies!) have only a limited (10) number of games they can play at a time, people - especially
some of the more highly rated players - may be somewhat reluctant to play against a person of
unknown ability.

A good place to start a game is with an "open invite". However, you have little control here over who
accepts your invitation.
Another place to start looking for opponents is the "Most Active Players" table. These are all players
who play often and many games. It may be a more appropriate place to start looking for
opponents than the "Highest Rating" Table.

The range of chess abilities and personalities here is quite broad, so I'm sure you will be able to
find a number of opponents who offer both challenging games and pleasant interactions. Most
here will provide both, making it easy to avoid those who cannot provide either.

Good luck and good games!

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i agree totally. And the Sneetches remark.."No stars upon thars" just
killed me!

I love that book.

There are a lot of nice people here...and a few bad eggs...but the MAP
board is a good start to get going..vaknso is a prime pick...being the
nicest player here...and can always point a newbie in the right direction
of who to play.

Sorry John...if I am the most "Popular" player here...you happen to be
the Ambassador.


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Thanks Dave. I totally agree with you. Red Hot Pawn is full of good
eggs. Sorry to say, All baskets seem to contain a few that have gone
The Little Grasshopper

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You really deserve that title you know...as well as being "The Little


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A couple of minor points:

With "open invites" you do have some control, since you can delete a
game before two moves have been completed. If someone you don't
wish to play accepts your open invite, just delete the game. I believe
this delete feature is available for any game.

The second point concerns the 10 game limit. I don't think the limit is
working very effectively, as I have seen numerous 'non-star' players
who have more than 10 games in progress. So if there is a limit, it is
not being enforced.

regards, Marc

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Non-stars players have more than 10 games, may be because they
are invited to play from a pawn star.

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