The door was not open enough for peanut butter. But it was ajar.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Tip-jar humor in our local coffee shop: “Afraid of Change? Leave It Here.” -VR
wildly content...
if you eat aluminum, you sheet metal
science teacher: scorpions have 10 to 12 eyes kid (taking notes) s-c-o-r-p-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-o-n which is it? 10 or 12?
remember mood rings? i lost mine, and i don't know how to feel about that
Update: Went to the doctor this morning, for my test results... He thinks I have PneumonoultramicroscopicsilivolcanIosis - but at the moment it's hard to say.
Overlook Hotel
A photon walked into a hotel. The porter asked if he had any luggage. No replied the photon, I'm travelling light.
she likes her chocolate i took her chocolate bars and put em different chocolate bar wrappers and she got her snickers all in a twix
I don't trust mime artists. They do unspeakable things.
Luke Skywalker waxed poetic when he stated: "Metaphors be with you."
imma gonna tell you a story about rattlesnake hunting out in west texas get ready, because this is a real shaky tale
The nun said she didn't know any double entendres, so the bishop gave her one.
I tried to come up with a carpentry pun that woodwork. I thought I nailed it, but nobody saw it...
My Kingdom fora Pawn
My drug test came back negative. My dealer sure has some 'splaining to do! ðŸ˜
In the school I went to, they asked a kid to prove the law of gravity and he threw the teacher out of the window. 😆 😛 😀
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