Originally posted by VargNobody talked about more than one fork. You probably mean the prongs. But if you come to two forks, take the silver fork first, then choose one prong of the fork in the road. If there's a bishop on one prong and a rook on the other one, I'd take the rook.
Surely you have to take one of the forks?
This advice is useless - which one?
Here's one for chess:
"The chess-board is the world; the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, just, and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance."
Lay Sermons, 'A Liberal Education' - Thomas Huxley - (1825-95) British biologist. A supporter of Darwin's theory of evolution, his books include Science and Culture (1881) and Evolution and Ethics (1893).
George W. Bush Jokes > Quotes 2003
A look at some of the President's more interesting and sometimes hilarious quotes in 2003:
"We're here for have a substanative talk on a lot of issues"
- Oval Office meeting with the President of Poland, January 14, 2003
"And ... it's getting worse. That's what people have gotta understand up there in Washington, down there in Washington, wherever - thought I was in Crawford for a minute"
- Speaking about increased medical malpractice insurance costs, Scranton, Pennsylvania, January 16, 2003
"Hydrogen power will dramatically reduce greenhouse gas admissions"
- Speaking on the topic of energy independence, Washington D.C., February 6, 2003
"I think war is a dangerous place."
- Washington, D.C., May 7, 2003
"It's very interesting when you think about it, the slaves who left here to go to America, because of their steadfast and their religion and their belief in freedom, helped change America."
- Dakar, Senegal, July 8, 2003
"Security is the essential roadblock to achieving the road map to peace."
- Washington, D.C., July 25, 2003
"We had a chance to visit with Teresa Nelson who's a parent, and a mom or a dad."
- Jacksonville, Florida, September 9, 2003
"Whether they be Christian, Jew, or Muslim, or Hindu, people have heard the universal call to love a neighbor just like they'd like to be called themselves."
- Washington, D.C., October 8, 2003
"The ambassador and the general were briefing me on the - the vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And we will find these people and we will bring them to justice."
- Washington, D.C., October 27, 2003
"As you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say."
- Washington, D.C., October 28, 2003
"This very week in 1989, there were protests in East Berlin and in Leipzig. By the end of that year, every communist dictatorship in Central America had collapsed."
- Washington, D.C., November 6, 2003
"The Iraqis need to be very much involved. They were the people that was brutalized by this man."
- Washington, D.C., December 15, 2003