Phone call at work today
-Hello Jimmy it’s Mary again.
-Hello Mary.
-Jimmy, do you have any properties ion Levenshulme.
-I gave you the phone number for our Levenshulme location yesterday.
-Oh did you? Oh, is it 0161 798 ####?
-No that’s my phone number you’ve just called me on now.
-Can you give it me again?
-I’m not in my office at the moment so I don’t have it to hand
-Just let me get a pen
-Okay, what is it?
Mary, I’m not in my office, I’ll have to phone you back when I’m in my office. Okay
-Hello Mary. I have the phone number here.
-Do they have any one or two bed apartments available in Levenshulme?
-I don’t know, you will have to phone them, let me give you the number.
-Whereabouts is it?
-It’s called Moseley Court
-How do you spell that?
-No Mary it’s M-O-S-E-L-E-Y Court
-Okay I’ve got that
-It’s on Moseley Road
-How do you spell that?
-No Mary it’s M-O-S-E-L-E-Y Road. Moseley Road
-Okay yes, whereabouts is that?
-In Levenshulme.
-How do you spell that?
-The phone number is 0161 221 #### You Want to Speak to the Manager there she is called Mrs **** ****
-Okay Jimmy. What’s the waiting list like there? Is it long
-I don’t know Mary, you will have to phone them. I only have the phone number and address on my computer.
-Okay, my son wants to speak to you.
-Hello. Do you have any properties in Levenshulme?
-Yes. I’ve just given the phone number to your mother. You will have to phone to find out more info.
-Do they have an apartment for me?
-How old are you? Are you 55?
- I’m 42.
-You have to be 55 to move in.
-Have you got a flat for me though?
-Unless you move in with your mother and she is over 55, no I’m sorry.
-What happens if I move in with her and she dies or something? Can I carry on living there?
-Um that’s kind of complicated. You could have right to succeed possession but it’s a very grey area and I’m not sure of all the technicalities.
-Are all your flats shared tenancy then?
-No you can live by yourself but you have to be over 55.
-How long is the waiting list?
-You will have to phone the number I gave your mother and ask them. I don’t have any of that information on my system. I just have the address and contact details.
-Do they have any one or two bed properties there?
-I’m sorry but I don’t that info to hand. You will have to phone the manager there and ask her.
-Where is the place you work then? Do you have any flats there?
-I have three available but they are all studio properties.
-Oh I don’t want a studio
-So what sort of flats is it in Levenshulme then?
-It’s retirement housing for older people.
-Okay thanks. My mother wants to speak to you again.
-Jimmy? Jimmy so what kind of flats are these in Levenshulme?
-It’s retirement flats for older people.
- Oh I don’t think I want to live in a place like that. *hangs up*