Originally posted by knersis21"oh this is a treat, we have the wild knersis21 in its natural habitat, roaming free on the savanah. Notice how it stalks its prey that wild look in its eye"
I'd like Robin Williams to narrate the story of my life.
David Attenborough (excuse the spelling-David- if your reading :-) ) from the BBC documenteries isn't a bad candidate to.
A darkened storm cloud gathers slowly over the board, and you shakily hesitate on your move and you look up to see a wicked grin. The game is gone and you lose not only your queen and the game but your very spirit, as nyxie pulls the life from you and leaves you as an empty hallow vessel. The vacant eyes of a zombie, where once a mighty warrior stood.
Hehe, Walken would so rock my life story.
"He never... EVER liked playing... IN THE park...The park.. wasn't...Kevin's favorite place, cause he... well he just- he just DIDN'T LIKE IT I mean... he-he didn't like it all, whatsoever, so he found his...his PLAYTIME...elsewhere... I mean, elsewhere? Where else...IS THERE?..."
Originally posted by seraphimvultureLOL! Brilliant impersonation! 🙂
Hehe, Walken would so rock my life story.
"He never... EVER liked playing... IN THE park...The park.. wasn't...Kevin's favorite place, cause he... well he just- he just DIDN'T LIKE IT I mean... he-he didn't like it all, whatsoever, so he found his...his PLAYTIME...elsewhere... I mean, elsewhere? Where else...IS THERE?..."