updated list:
001 S h a n e
007 carystover
027 roma45
044 lolof
064 MrVarnell
069 johnyg
123 CLL53
174 Trev33
233 Ponderable
259 Silverstriker
347 mghrn55
420 SmookieP
501 shortcircuit
505 stephenwale
555 ontheclock
589 karoly aczel
638 beatlemania
666 ChessPraxis
700 Marinkatomb
712 mikelom
732 Paul Leggett
738 Kegge
777 robbie carrobie
830 HandyAndy
911 KJCavalier
922 Crypto
950 dondiego66
985 Dewi Jones
998 rookie54
069 divegeester (number duplicated)
501 Huntingdon (number duplicated)
653 Rank outsider (not a current subscriber)
1399 Phlabibit (outside the range specified)
1947 ZorroTheFox (outside the range specified)
pi Shallow Blue (not a current subscriber, outside the range specified, not a whole number)
Still a few hours to go, I think ...
Originally posted by MontyMoose357, of course.
My Dad gave me a little money for my birthday, so I'm going to create a contest.
I've written down a number between 1-1000 (inclusive). Which ever subscriber guesses it or whoever gets closest wins a years extension to their RHP subscription.
1 One guess per sub. If you post more than one, the first one counts.
2 Must be a sub as of in. Well, except Robbie who borrowed my lawnmower 2 weeks ago and hasn't returned it. 😠ðŸ˜
PS I can think of a way to pick a number, from those numbers not already guessed, that has the highest probability of winning. I didn't use it to pick my number.
Originally posted by KewpieI'm not in the least complaining. Thanks for doing it. But it did save some work for late guessers who know how to use the data to optimize their chances.
I'm purely summarising, a good secretary adds no extraneous material. I know my place. This thread belongs to Mr Moose.