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Things I like.

Things I like.


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The world is full of bad news. How about a thread dealing with good news.... I'm going to say I like the new graphics at RHP... I messaged Russ today and got an answer back in about an hour... and Russ and Chrismo are still doing things to improve the site.

Heck, I can even add a smile face button logo icon now when starting a thread!

It didn't rain today, and I got so busy with friends coming over for dinner that I didn't need an excuse to not mowe the lawn.

Good news all around.

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Coming awake with chilled, mountain dew, rolling from the sleeping bag in mid-summer; your face is blasted by the chill air as it finds it's way from the soft, warm protection to begin the day. Hot coffee and campfire bread with honey. Up the trail for the day. A Western Tanager with wings of impossible color splashes! It flys away, quickly ... The sun finally pokes its head over the majestic peaks and you stop to watch in wonder as a herd of deer make their way into their canopied homes for rest and sleep. Sitting Alone... you shiver not at the cold, but at the majesty of this moment. You notice tiny Buttercups, no larger than your smallest fingernail, and right before your eyes, they jerk, popping dew from their heads, opening into what has become a warm, sun flooded glade between towering fir trees. ....

North Side of Baldy Mountain... McCoy Creek, Wyoming ... August, 1999

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I woke up this morning.I was glad ๐Ÿ˜ต

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Originally posted by SirLoseALot
I woke up this morning.I was glad ๐Ÿ˜ต
I woke up this afternoon, I was ecstatic.

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My wife, light of my life.

Lying down in bed at 7pm and having my two girls snuggle in on each side to be read their bedtime story. Even better if they both fall asleep while I'm doing it.

Standing on top of Mt Dickerman, WA (approx 7900ft) with clear blue sky and huge visibility - 12000ft Mt Baker in the North, 14400ft M Rainier in the South, and 10000ft(?) Mt Olympus in the West - Aug 99

Sitting in an ancient cafe in Budapest drinking awfully strong coffee and Grand Marnier with my wife then going outside into the freezing cold and dark to walk back along the river to the station to catch the old train back to Vienna. Dec 98

Camping next to Loch Sween, Scotland with my soon-to-be wife with the sun setting over the Paps of Jura, a fire burning, stars coming out, wine going down and 3 owls sitting on top of the nearest telephone poles. Aug 97

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camping in africa.no lights, you can see more stars than you thought imaginable.at like 1 in the morning,sitting at the fire,a little drunk,listening to the hyenas and tribal drums.aaaah.

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Chilling in a pub in Cork, Ireland, having a pint or two of Guiness (or Carlsberg, either one) in the early afternoon. Then trucking out to Old Head for a late round of golf overlooking the atlantic.
Either that or hanging out in the French Quarter in New Orleans, just wandering around and taking in all the sites and sounds.

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Waking up in warm, comfortable bed next to beautiful woman, whose name i don't know, with panoramic mountain view out of window, replete with birds, raindeer, what have you. breakfast (bacon, eggs, sausage, oj, coffee) served in bed by equally beautiful maid who doesn't think three is a crowd. roaring fire in fireplace. Australia thrashing New Zealand in the cricket test on TV. knowledge the fridge is full of beer and the bank account is full of money. a library of philosophy books nearby.
Midreamz Aug '03

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The main thing i like right now is that I just got my Driving learners license๐Ÿ˜ต look out world, Uncle Adam has hit the streets!๐Ÿ˜€

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Firstly.I really like this thread.First decent thread in a while.Congratulations Sir!

Going for a nice run in the evening.Then telling my daughter her bedtime story(I am not allowed to read a story to her,I have to make these stories up about a monkey and a baboon.I reckon I have told her around 120 stories,should write a book really
๐Ÿ™„ )That done I move infront of the computer to continue my career as football manager courtesy of Championship Manager 4.I like to keep things realistic and normally have between 4 and 5 beers while managing some team more interested in the party after the match than the match itself.This I do while attempting to have a meaningful conversation with my understanding wife.

I also love to see the Springbok rugby team winning but I cant really remember exactly what it feels like ......

I love South African summers.Watching the sun set over the ocean while sitting next to a fire sipping a......you guessed it.

I also like beer just incase I havent mentioned that...

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rangers stuffing celtic greeeeeaaaat.

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Sailing on Puget Sound when the sun is out at about 4pm, the breeze is a nice 8 knots, you have a beer and no deadline to meet.

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Originally posted by UncleAdam
The main thing i like right now is that I just got my Driving learners license๐Ÿ˜ต look out world, Uncle Adam has hit the streets!๐Ÿ˜€
Congratulations! I get mine next week.

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Originally posted by royalchicken
Congratulations! I get mine next week.
Got a message from Chewie tonight "in-game". Claims he likes this site and gets better every day... I agree.

Just a few words of wisdom to you "new drivers". I almost lost my license several times when I was 16 to the age of about 23. Would have cost me about 2000 dollars just to keep a license if I were cought speeding again. There was even a point around the age of 24 or so when I did get another traffic violation.... I thought I would be in the clear since it was a year or so since I had been to court.

I was not in the clear, paid heavy fines and needed a lawyer to get out of paying this extra license insurance to keep it.

Here is 18 years of driving experience for you.

Assume you need to stop at every stop sign, signal, or yield sign.... but don't get rammed by the guy behind you either!

Don't keep your eyes on the road... be looking for things coming out of nowhere at every intersection and driveway.

Find out how fast over the limit you can drive in your state... Here in Rhode Island it is ok to drive about 10 miles over.... Connecticut or Massachusetts allows 5 over, and the other is strictly enforced.

You can drive a couple miles per hour over that, but if you see a cop don't let them see your brakes on... brake going towards them, and hope you slowed down enough when you pass them.

If you do get pulled over say “yes sir” a few times, and don't make excuses. If they ask you “Why do you think I pulled you over?”, tell them what you think, unless there is a body in the trunk.... ๐Ÿ˜‰

Don't slow down if you are already doing the limit! Make eye contact with the cop, smile or nod your head, but act like you “just saw” them right then. Always keep an eye out. Part of the game is seeing the cop and driving under control in their view... they know these rules too.

When you get cut off, there is a reason. Don't let it bother you, just be glad you drive better than them.

Don't let the car behind you make you go faster... just pull over. Chances are you will see them turn soon... people drive faster closer to home... that is why most accidents happen within a mile of home. Don't play the Brakes game.

Don't let someone flag you into traffic... act like you are adjusting your radio. They might think they are trying to help you, but this is a good way to get side swiped by the guy going the other way, or coming from behind them.

If you decide to pass a car goose the gas well, but show your brake lights after the pass. You don't want people thinking you are driving like a mad man.

Ware a seat belt... duh!

Keep it well under 15 MPH in the parking lots.

I know there is more, but this message is getting long. Just drive safe, know when you have the right of way, and don't assume someone is going to give it to you.


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Assume you need to stop at every stop sign, signal, or yield sign.... but don't get rammed by the guy behind you either

This is one of the most important bits of advice you'll ever get.

There's a 4-way stop about 1/2 mile from my house on a country road that I drive every day to/from work. Twice in the last two weeks I've started to pull into the junction and cars have zipped straight through the Stop sign doing well over the 40 limit. Both cars had two teenage boys in. Both cars were smallish Honda's.

Here's the twist - I drive a Chevy Silverado 2500HD truck with all the heavy-duty extras so it has a curb weight of over 8000 pounds. 4 tons. If I hadn't been able to brake, both sets of teenagers would have died when their 1.5 ton Hondas smacked into my truck.

Never blow though a Stop sign - you've got no idea what you might hit.


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