20 May 13
Originally posted by coquetteActually, I agree with you.. up to a point.
Word Association threads are the new spam
There should be one word association game -- the original WAG, the one we've come to know and love.
All the others, the A-Z, Z-A, last-letter-first clones and satirical copycats, should be dispatched forthwith.
Spam can serve a useful purpose, if kept within reasonable limits.
21 May 13
Originally posted by johnnylongwoodyYou're a mysterious man, Johnnylongwoody, expressing hate for word association threads
I hate word association threads.
Have a conversation for Christ's sake!!!!!!!
Take your word association threads to posers and puzzles.
which contain the selfsame bricks with which you construct your entertaining poems.
Originally posted by Great Big Stees.... yeah, ME thinks, as usually you're must probably correct: after all the fuss is over and we close the windowns
ME thinks that it's just another WA game but with more words than won.
(as in office chess piles and club tourniquets), all that's left and rite of drawers wood be games winded and lust.