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Tiger Attack

Tiger Attack


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"Roy" got bit. Critical condition. Anyone care? Knowing that the typical "tiger tamers" chair and whip are each loaded with a 50 k volt taser device? Not me. Go tiger! Eat his sorry *ss! Just my opinion. I hate left wing bleeders who torture animals. (Accidental pun, but appropriate)

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
"Roy" got bit. Critical condition. Anyone care? Knowing that the typical "tiger tamers" chair and whip are each loaded with a 50 k volt taser device? Not me. Go tiger! Eat his sorry *ss! Just my opinion. I hate left wing bleeders who torture animals.
Well, this "left-winger" agrees completely. I read on CNN that the tiger bit Roy on the hand and Roy started hitting it over the head with his microphone. The tiger then grabbed Roy by the throat and dragged him backstage. Go tiger!

Unfortunately, there are few natural environments in the world safe for tigers.

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Originally posted by bbarr
Well, this "left-winger" agrees completely. I read on CNN that the Tiger bit Roy on the hand and Roy started hitting it over the head with his microphone. The tiger then grabbed Roy by the throat and dragged him backstage. Go tiger!
I... and apparently you... have always been on the side of the innocent. In this case the tiger. ( cant wait to hear from iamatiger on this) . Why in the world do we, as humans support this kind of silly torture of innocent animals by paying $38.50 per show?

<edit> sorry about the "left wing" thing. They (sigfried and Roy) are spokesmen for all sorts of "causes" in the intermountain area here. None of them right wing, let us say. That is really beside the point in the context of the tigers revenge. Let's just say "Silly Entertainer" instead of the implied political wing.

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
Why in the world do we, as humans support this kind of silly torture of innocent animals by paying $38.50 per show?.
another example of the golden rule in action - 'thems that have the gold, makes the rules'.

i'm with you star and barr: go tiger go! and ban exploitation of animals in the name of 'entertainment' and profit.

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The kind of torture animals such as this tiger endure is unconscionable. We can all have a part in stopping it or supporting it. If we don't attend these shows they won't continue. If we speak out for those who cannot we will give them a voice. If we buy tickets we sanction the torture. If we stay silent their pain will not be heard. Let us do what we all know in our hearts is right.

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Originally posted by imvegan
The kind of torture animals such as this tiger endure is unconscionable. We can all have a part in stopping it or supporting it. If we don't attend these shows they won't continue. If we speak out for those who cannot we will give them a voice. If we buy tickets we sanction the torture. If we stay silent their pain will not be heard. Let us do what we all know in our hearts is right.
OK Then (singalong now!!!!)

Go Tigers, Go Tigers, Go Tigers...

Give me a T, give me an I, give me a G, give me an E, give me an R... TIGERS!

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Pleased to know I wasn't the only one to have a wry smile over this story. Tigers in Las Vegas, it was never meant to be.

Sad that the beautiful creature will probably be shot now - for doing what tigers do. (Removing weak, useless old animals out of the eco system..😉 )


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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
Why in the world do we, as humans support this kind of silly torture of innocent animals by paying $38.50 per show?
I agree - it is senseless. It was first I heard of the use of electricity though... 😠 Isn't that illegal? If it isn't then it surely should be. Seems like the tiger exacted some measure of jungle justice.


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Originally posted by mmanuel
OK Then (singalong now!!!!)

Go Tigers, Go Tigers, Go Tigers...

Give me a T, give me an I, give me a G, give me an E, give me an R... TIGERS!


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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
"Roy" got bit. Critical condition. Anyone care? Knowing that the typical "tiger tamers" chair and whip are each loaded with a 50 k volt taser device? Not me. Go tiger! Eat his sorry *ss! Just my opinion. I hate left wing bleeders who torture animals. (Accidental pun, but appropriate)
" Knowing that the typical "tiger tamers" chair and whip are each loaded with a 50 k volt taser device?" StarValleyWy.

Are you sure about that ?

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Curious to hear from T1000 on this one, given his avatar. I also agree.

Up Tigers!

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Originally posted by royalchicken
Curious to hear from T1000 on this one, given his avatar. I also agree.

Up Tigers!
Now if it had been a squirrel mebbe I'd have had something to say 😉

Seriously though, reading the news stories etc on this just leaves me feeling a bit down - something's not right somewhere 🙁

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Originally posted by T1000
Now if it had been a squirrel mebbe I'd have had something to say 😉

Seriously though, reading the news stories etc on this just leaves me feeling a bit down - something's not right somewhere 🙁

Have any of you guys ever heard of these artists before ?
The news travelled around the world !

I want to see the wounds ... I want to see the video's of the "accident" ... nothing so far !

Maybe a publicity stunt ...
If it is, there will be a follow up soon !

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queue the follow up: though glad to see no attacks involved. Except for the snoozing tiger.


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Originally posted by Toe
queue the follow up: though glad to see no attacks involved. Except for the snoozing tiger.


Indeed nowhere is safe for tigers. I suppose he thought no-one would look for him in a flat in Harlem.

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