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True PC issues!

True PC issues!


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True PC issues!


The man whom fastens Mother Boards directly to the computer case (and neglects to fit the plastic or brass spacers) and he wonders why the cards will not seem to reach and fit into their slots.


The endless stream of people, who confuse their memory mega bytes with their hard drive space mega bytes.


The Lady, waving the mouse about in the air wondering why it will not move on screen.


The customer who rang, they could not send an email after talking them through the entire set-up and fixing the problem. The email still would not send. Well you really need to put the phone down now and reconnect to the Internet again, at
this point, she was told.


The countless folk who throw away their original software after installing it to their hard drive!


The Lady whom was holding the A4 letter in front of the monitor assuming it would get sent as a fax in this way!

The Gent whom got the message on screen "Can not find Printer Port" so he turned the monitor to face the printer assuming it would then be able to see the printer in front of it!


The Gent who thought his monitor was defective, because his Microsoft Word Package had all Green and Red squiggly lines underneath the words.


The Gent who went back to the computer shop and complained he could not get the new cd-rom to work at all. Upon testing the cd-rom and showing it working, he replied wait a minute, I don't have that part (pointing to the PC's base unit) he had assumed it would work with only monitor keyboard cd-rom and nothing else.


The Gent complaining over the telephone that the first floppy disk had installed without any error. But that disk 2 was now extremely hard to also get into the floppy drive. Further that there was no way disks 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 were also going to fit into there. It was then explained to him, You need to remove each disk, before trying to insert another!


The Numerous people who complain that the installed Microsoft Internet does not seem to connect or work on their computer. They do not even have a modem installed on the system. Assuming the MSN Internet icon means they already have the Internet Installed and require nothing more.


The numerous people who complained that they could not see how the video card they bought would not work or connect with/to their video recorders.
This is serious, the numerous people whom assumed that cyber sex was an act where one of the partners were actually standing sitting or lying across or on the computer.


The numerous people who have tried to install new memory or CPU by attempting to feed it into the floppy drive or cd-rom.


The numerous people whom genuinely assume that a wav file is a photograph of them waving and then sent via email.


The uncountable folk whom neglect to realize the computer needs switched on both at the wall socket and at the power switch on the base unit.


The uncountable folk whom neglect to realize that many monitors also have a main power switch on the rear of the monitor.

Believe this or not, the few folk whom actually report to their doctor and do believe they can catch a computer virus from their computer.

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Don't forget the 95% who use Internet Explorer and think everything's just fine.

Edit: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Originally posted by leestatic
True PC issues!

Do you think you are ignorant with computers.


How about, the Lady who sent a copy of a disk to have a defect analysing. She sent a Photocopy of the disk.


The man whom fastens Mother Boards directly to the computer case (and n ...[text shortened]... nd mis-align it. Then complain the monitor is broke as they only have half a screen on dislay."
Believe me, PC stupidity is relative. There are people out there that would think you were a dumb prick on a PC too.

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Originally posted by Pullhard
There are people out there that would think you were a dumb prick on a PC too.
He probably is (see my previous post).

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Originally posted by Pullhard
Believe me, PC stupidity is relative. There are people out there that would think you were a dumb prick on a PC too.
believe me their is someone out there who thinks you are a dumb sheepshagger😛

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The amount of people who do not know the difference between 'there' and 'their'.
The amount of people who think they are somehow supererior because they know how a computer works. (Everyone has to start somewhere).
Edit: I could go on but I'm not that........ yawn.

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
The amount of people who do not know the difference between 'there' and 'their'.
The amount of people who think they are somehow supererior because they know how a computer works. (Everyone has to start somewhere).
Edit: I could go on but I'm not that........ yawn.
hey don't shoot the cut/copy paste guy

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Why do you keep saying the people "whom" do this and that? The correct word is "who" ... "whom" is only used as the object of a verb or a preposition.

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
The amount of people who do not know the difference between 'there' and 'their'.
The amount of people who think they are somehow supererior because they know how a computer works. (Everyone has to start somewhere).
Edit: I could go on but I'm not that........ yawn.
"The amount of people who do not know the difference between 'there' and 'their'."

Good observation.

"The amount of people who think they are somehow SUPERERIOR because they know how a computer works."

Oh, the irony...

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Originally posted by leestatic
The endless stream of people, who confuse their memory mega bytes with their hard drive space mega bytes.[b]
Yeah...aren't they silly!

Ah, stop being mean and go and get laid.

As already suggested, it's likely that the woman who hadn't plugged her computer in had a better grasp of grammar than you, mate, and she'd think you, such a technocrat, a terrible eejit.


(eye, beam, splinter... etc.)

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Originally posted by Bowmann
Don't forget the 95% who use Internet Explorer and think everything's just fine.

Edit: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I use firefox just because people on here think you are silly if you don't yet I never actually had any prob's with IE and I'm not really sure why IE is so ridiculed in these forums.

Going back to original post I've done at least 3 things on the above list. I find people in the know about PC's talk in this patronizing code. They talk like they are superior to those of use who spent our youthful years, studying, drinking and exploring the world and and its female population.

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Originally posted by sjeg
Yeah...aren't they silly!

Ah, stop being mean and go and get laid.

As already suggested, it's likely that the woman who hadn't plugged her computer in had a better grasp of grammar than you, mate, and she'd think you, such a technocrat, a terrible eejit.


(eye, beam, splinter... etc.)
And what part of copy & paste did you not understand or did your fingers just start flapping before you read that part?


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Originally posted by invigorate
I use firefox just because people on here think you are silly if you don't yet I never actually had any prob's with IE and I'm not really sure why IE is so ridiculed in these forums.

I can only assume you mean IE never gave you problems whilst browsing. That's debatable in itself.

But I'm referring to the trouble you and your system will suffer as a direct result of using it. In a word: Malware.

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Originally posted by Bowmann

I can only assume you mean IE never gave you problems whilst browsing. That's debatable in itself.

But I'm referring to the trouble you and your system will suffer as a direct result of using it. In a word: Malware.
Don't automatically assume you are safe just because you use
Linux and firefox or use a mac. They all are targets for the
scumware generators. You might be a bit safer numerically but
scumware programers know all about macs and linux and firefox
and opera, don't kid yourself into a false sense of security.

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BTW I just ran into a problem that took about an hour with the
support dudes to fix:
I have 4 comps in a home wireless net (netgear).
It worked fine for a few months then the signal got gradually worse
and finally could only get the net on the hardwired comp. I calls up
the support guys and first they go through the 'change channel'
routine, upgrade the firmware, yada yada yada, all to no avail.
I suspected the 2.4 Ghz signal coming out of the router had gone
south but had no way to prove it. I went to circuit city and got another
wireless router that would be compatable with my old PCI wireless
802.11b MA311 model cards. So I got it and then discovered a couple
of interesting goodies: one factoid, the PSP handheld gamer has
an interesting feature. Since it has wireless built in and you can
connect to any unsecured wireless network in its range, it also has
a signal analysis routine that can tell the signal strength of a sensed
wireless signal and if it is secure or unsecure and if there is a bluetooth
transmitter nearby. I thought that was an extremely useful function,
almost enough to get one just for that! Then I am sniffing around the
stalls and I come across this keychain sized wireless sniffer made by a
company called Kinsington that does the same thing for about 40
bucks, push a button and it sniffs out wireless signals and bluetooth
and the 802 signal strength with 5 level LED readout. I thought this
was the greatest thing since the straw hat and was able to prove in
short order my old netgear router, an MR814 was giving out such a
sucky signal it only gave me 5 bars about 6 inches from the freeking
antenna! So I felt I was right kissing it goodby and installed the
new one, which BTW was only about half the size of the old one
and about 30 bucks cheaper. Went through the setup routine again,
checked on of the other wireless comps and I see like 1 or 2 bars
signal, same as before. WTF I am thinking. I calls up support again,
its free for 90 days on a new netgear box so we start with the same
routine, change the channel, upgrade the firmware yada yada yada.
I already saw the signal coming out of the new box was fine, 5 bars
in another room using my little kinsington sensor.
Then the support guy starts thinking, conflab with his buddies,
then comes back with, rename the network. Ok, I rename it Donn.
Go to the wireless comp. What is the name you see on that comp
wireless icon: it says linksys. WTF I'm going. It turns out that when
my MR814 died, the comp that had the wireless card with its little
antenna is sniffing around for a signal and found one, only very weak,
I didn't know squat about this naming thing. It turns out I was sucking
bandwidth from my next door neighbors UNSECURED wireless network!!
It worked but somewhat intermittant because of the weak signal.
Unfreekingbelievable! Then I told Jen, our sort of daughter, I got
the wireless back, That comp is kind of a free for all family comp
I set up with only me having admin privs and everyone else limited
so I had set up the renaming thing on my account thinking everything
was okeydokey. Wrong. She gets on and like within an hour she's
yelling "DAD" no net. I'm going WTF NOW?
Well the final twist is even though you have a named net on one
account doesn't mean you automatically have it on another user.
So I goes into her account and sure enough, it was still listening to
the next door linksys network! So I had to add "Donn" to that user
account and BOING, 4 bars of signal, I have her hooked up.
That was a bit of a learning curve for me I can tell you! Saved by
several bells on that one! So now all is well in wireless land, having
learned a great deal about 802.11b stuff!
Moral of the story: get the kinsington wireless sniffer, its the best thing
since french fries! Tells you if the RF output of the router is ok or not!

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