Before my turn I tap frost weilder to deal 1 damage to you.
Untaps everything, draws card, plays mountain.
Taps frostweilder to deal 1 damage to redeemer.
Taps 2 mountains to use crushing pain on redeemer (6 damage to creature which took damage this turn), redeemers removed from play.
Taps 3 mountains to play Yamabushi's Flame, dealing 3 damage to you.
Before my turn I tap frostweilder to deal 1 damage to you.
Untap everything.
Draw card.
Play mountain.
Tap 5 lands to play lave axe which deals 5 damage to you.
Good match, I think the combiation of me getting the stuff I wanted later in the game along with you not getting the stuff you wanted made for your downfall. I personely dont think you should of attacked with your redemer since he was the thing stoping me from useing my magic missiles.
I have to go now seeing as its 3 oclock in the morning here but I will play you with my green deck at some time.
See ya