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* Siege games started

* Siege games started


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There's no other link to this feature yet - so book mark this :


If you are not in the starting line up, please visit the URL above, and join any one of the siege queues if you want to play.

Just a few more things to say about sieges.

- The stats pages haven't been completed yet. Although they are key to this whole idea (who had the longest winning run, etc .) I will wait until some games have been completed before writing and uploading them.

-Those playing black at the start have an early advantage. Everyone else must win as white, and then start their defence as black to accumulate winning streaks.

If anyone has any problems - just let me know -and I will try to take care of them ASAP.

Good luck all - and thanks for helping out. (And well done to the 1 day volunteers - I suspect some of you will have Xmas pudding in one hand and your mouse in the other come the 25th.🙂 )


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It looks absolutly fantastic ... I think this will become very popular.


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just a quick note: i'm in the blue castle 7-day timeout siege, but the quicklink at the top of my game is to the red castle 1-day timeout game. Not a major flaw, but it did have me scared for a moment that it was a 1-day timeout game. other than that looks ok


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I concur with the above bug (?)
I'm in a 1day and a 3day TO and both games have the red castle 1day link.

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Ok, thanks guys.

I'll get a fix up ASAP.


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This should be fixed now.


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I think it looks great, good job Russ 😀

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This is a very cool concept. Muchos gracias.

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I still have no clue???
but I've made my first move.

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rapalla i say again : you rule!

ps wanna change clans :-)

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Originally posted by flexmore
rapalla i say again : you rule!

ps wanna change clans :-)
Yes, change clans .... Lots of vacancies in the DUNE clan ... 😉

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Suggestion: I think a draw should hold the castle for the defender.
Question: Can one person occupy more than one castle? Can one person join a single queue several times?

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Originally posted by huntingbear
Suggestion: I think a draw should hold the castle for the defender.
Question: Can one person occupy more than one castle? Can one person join a single queue several times?
Question: Can one person occupy more than one castle?
Yes, each castle is unrelated to all others.

Question:Can one person join a single queue several times?
You can only be in each queue once. If you are at the board, then you may not join the queue again until you have been defeated.


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Suggestion: Make the castles rating-dependent. Now if there is someone holding the castle with a very high rating, say about 1950, it will be almost impossible to beat him. Also, maybe an auto time-out can be added, for the same reason as it exists in the tournaments, that everyone gets a turn, and the castle will not stall because some people have decided to go on holiday at the same time.

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Originally posted by huntingbear
Suggestion: I think a draw should hold the castle for the defender.
What do people feel about this? If everyone wants a change, we need to decide quickly so I can get the update live.


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