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Fritz 8/HIARCS 7

Fritz 8/HIARCS 7


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Despite playing here for 2 and a half years, I don't feel my level of play has significantly improved. I've been thinking about getting Fritz 8 to analyze my games after they're done to see where I screwed up. Now, as I understand it, each game has a PGN code that you feed into the program for analysis. That seems pretty straightforward.

The problem is that I have a Mac. It seems that Fritz 8 is only available for Windows. But all is not lost. I guess there is something comparable for Mac users called HIARCS 7. I guess it can also import/export PGN databases as well as EPD databases.

Is there anyone here who has used HIARCS 7, or know anything about it? Is it comparable to Fritz 8? There's a detailed description at: http://www.chess4less.com/2-Hiarcs.htm

I appreciate any information on this subject.

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There were high hopes for HIARCS 8 when it came out at first. there was a match between it and Fritz 8 9both engines are from chessbase). Fritz was the clear winner. L|et that speak for itself.

Feivel the Freethinker

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Originally posted by Feivel
There were high hopes for HIARCS 8 when it came out at first. there was a match between it and Fritz 8 9both engines are from chessbase). Fritz was the clear winner. L|et that speak for itself.

Feivel the Freethinker

on this site fritz8 beat hiarcs8 27.5 to 14.5

but they both get slaughtered by shredder

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Originally posted by flexmore
but they both get slaughtered by shredder
You can't be serious...Tell you what, considering Shredder is a computer, I will gladly play against you an unrated game and you can use Shredder. Believe me unless the engine was entirely rewritten, Anybody in the top 50 here can crush that program.

Feivel the Freethinker

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Originally posted by rwingett
The problem is that I have a Mac.
You know that does explain alot 🙂

Feivel the Freethinker

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Originally posted by Feivel
You can't be serious...Tell you what, considering Shredder is a computer, I will gladly play against you an unrated game and you can use Shredder. Believe me unless the engine was entirely rewritten, Anybody in the top 50 here can crush that program.

Feivel the Freethinker
are you saying fritz is better than shredder?
i don't understand. why? shredder beat fritz.

i would like to see you beat shredder.
unforunately i don't have the program so i can't help, but maybe someone else does...

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rwingett - If you want to try out any of these programs, it is possible to down load them using a file sharing software such a edonkey or cazza. Be aware, this is not legal, however it is a good way to try out the software and decide which one you are GOING TO BUY 😉

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Originally posted by marinakatomb
rwingett - If you want to try out any of these programs, it is possible to down load them using a file sharing software such a edonkey or cazza. Be aware, this is not legal, however it is a good way to try out the software and decide which one you are GOING TO BUY 😉
Also a really good way to get a virus, trojan or worm 🙂

Feivel the Freethinker

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The point is that unless Fritz makes a Mac version, it doesn't matter how good of a program it is, I won't be able to use it. I've found that HIARCS 7 does have a Mac version (I'm not sure about HIARCS 8). I guess I'm just checking to make sure it's a decent enough program for my purposes, and that nobody thinks it stinks before I purchase.

I don't really know very much about these programs beside the fact that they can easily beat me at chess, and that they can analyze my game and point out why I'm such a loser.

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Originally posted by flexmore
are you saying fritz is better than shredder?
i don't understand. why? shredder beat fritz.

i would like to see you beat shredder.
unforunately i don't have the program so i can't help, but maybe someone else does...
You probably can beat me if conditions are right also. Doesn't mean anything except you beat me in a game. And yes Fritz is MUCH better than Shredder on equal hardware. Ok then I ask anyone with Shredder to PM me so we can set up an unrated game where they can use their program and I give my word that I will not be beaten.

Feivel the Freethinker and Shredder crusher

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when shredder and fritz8 played 40 games, both using 7.04 UCI 256MB Athlon 1200 MHz,

the result was shredder7 defeats fritz8, 22 to 18.

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Originally posted by Feivel
Also a really good way to get a virus, trojan or worm 🙂

Feivel the Freethinker
This is true, but with an up to date virus checker, and careful use it's not too bad.

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Originally posted by Feivel
You probably can beat me if conditions are right also. Doesn't mean anything except you beat me in a game. And yes Fritz is MUCH better than Shredder on equal hardware. Ok then I ask anyone with Shredder to PM me so we can set up an unrated game where they can use their program and I give my word that I will not be beaten.

Feivel the Freethinker and Shredder crusher
Please post if u do set this up, i'd like to see that 😉

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maybe u'd beat shedder over the board, but on correspondence?? You could set the analysis engine calculating for 24 hours each move!! Make sure you set a limited analysis time.😲

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And I must reiterate my statement...on equal hardware Fritz would crush Shredder. Also if you care to look at the match you would see quite alot of seesaw action by both computers. Why don't you post what the match score was at 10 games, 20 games, 30 games and so on. Also it is pure folly to assume that a longer match would have the same type of score as a ahort match. In any event, I would much rather play Shredder than Fritz for that matter I would rather play Shredder than the free Crafty. Even Rebel Decade would hold it's own against Shredder. If your really interested in computer chess you should look at the Computer Chess Club, I would give you the URL to the forum but it escapes me at the present.

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