The Torch + The Triple Hit

The Torch + The Triple Hit

Only Chess


06 May 08
17 Jun 12

They ran past my house with their silly Olmpic torch.

A couple of pics from the Scottish Blitz.

One game squeezed bone dry of tactics.
(don't let anyone tell you there is no luck in chess - one lad
blunders in and out of a brilliancy.)

White to play. (none of you lot will get it. If you do seek help.)

Stats on the Black Queen taking the b2 pawn.
(that famous will will have to be re-written.)

Ernie having to go back to basics and the
Pink Duck talking about triple hits.

Blog 4

Chess Librarian

The Stacks

21 Aug 09
18 Jun 12

GP's systematic approach to the position- peeling an onion, in a sense- is worth special attention.

Beyond the game itself, I think newer players can learn much regarding what to think about when analyzing a position.


06 May 08
19 Jun 12
1 edit

It's two fold. (well three acually I enjoy doing it...would not do it if I did not.)

Find a instructive game and rip it pieces, poke about with it,
try this and that, find cute win, find nifty refutations, have fun with it.

I use games played by the lads on here to prove these combinations
and good shots are not the preserve of GM's. They are there infront of them.
Convincing weaker players to stop saying "I could never play a game like that."
is hard work.

And the bit about playing the winning move and stumbling. I've seen it so often.
I remember one of the first games I mangled. (Fischer - Dely. It's in the
notes to Game 58 Fischer - Geller. Fischer's 60.)

Here is the game. Answer the last question.

Fischer - Dely, Skopje, 1967

How many played 21.Bg5 Black just castles, there is no win.

I never forgot that note. I know I would have played the move in the hidden note.
I've played some dodgy and bad combo's in my time and gambled and lost
but I've never tossed a pure won game by blowing it at the critical stage.

I've won dozens of totally lost games quite a few them when my opponent was
playing what they thought was the killer move.
Something happens to a player when they have a win in their mind and not
on the board. I cannot say exactly what it is (as I said I've never done it.) 🙂
But be aware, and I have 100's of examples, that this a very vulnerable moment.
I owe that one game and it's one note quite a lot.

(Infact not quite true I recall playing a mate and it was not mate in an allegro game
Luckily my position was that good I still won. But for a few moments I thought I
had blown it.)

The move that wins in the Fischer game.

21Bb6 is one way to win this was shown to Fischer by Dely after the game.

08 Apr 12
19 Jun 12

Gp, in your blog post 1st game after Bb3 1st example, instead of dxe4 Qxd8, which picks up a pawn, you could play Bxf7 which wins a queen.


06 May 08
19 Jun 12
2 edits

Hi Hikaru.

My fault for not pointing out at that pitfall. (I bet you are not the only one)

A common writers trait which I do honestly try to curb is to assume that
your readers are as good as you. I did not leave out a note to trip people up.
I try to add notes to where players often go wrong.
Usually I catch them, this time I failed.

Get into the habit Hikaru of looking deeper, go on for a few more moves
after you have played the combination in your mind. Look for the sting in the tail.
Though you have stopped analysing the game goes on.

You are right 2.Bxf7+ does win the Queen...for ½ a move.

08 Apr 12
21 Jun 12

Okay, thanks. Sorry.


06 May 08
22 Jun 12

No need to say sorry mate.
You missed a move in a game of chess. Hopefully we have bother learned something.


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