Someone hacked(probably a strong word, i know) into my games last night and resigned all my games!Somebody(who will remain nameless) has really pissed me off! i was enjoying my games and getting my rating up.
I would like to play my opponents again . I'll be sending over challanges.
I am now going to the gym to throw weights about
Originally posted by macmurphyI don't get it. You know who did it? Why did you let anyone waltz into your username, and WHY would they do that to you?
Someone hacked(probably a strong word, i know) into my games last night and resigned all my games!Somebody(who will remain nameless) has really pissed me off! i was enjoying my games and getting my rating up.
I would like to play my opponents again . I'll be sending over challanges.
I am now going to the gym to throw weights about
Originally posted by macmurphyWho resigned all your games Feb 13th?
Someone hacked(probably a strong word, i know) into my games last night and resigned all my games!Somebody(who will remain nameless) has really pissed me off! i was enjoying my games and getting my rating up.
I would like to play my opponents again . I'll be sending over challanges.
I am now going to the gym to throw weights about
Originally posted by macmurphyWhat a bunch of crap. 😞
Someone hacked(probably a strong word, i know) into my games last night and resigned all my games!Somebody(who will remain nameless) has really pissed me off! i was enjoying my games and getting my rating up.
I would like to play my opponents again . I'll be sending over challanges.
I am now going to the gym to throw weights about
Not your story, that too is probably crap. 😞
But I was hoping this was an axe murder story or something cool.
Nothing to see here, move along please. 😞
Originally posted by macmurphyFool me once, shame on you......
Someone hacked(probably a strong word, i know) into my games last night and resigned all my games!Somebody(who will remain nameless) has really pissed me off! i was enjoying my games and getting my rating up.
I would like to play my opponents again . I'll be sending over challanges.
I am now going to the gym to throw weights about
Originally posted by macmurphyDoh, using your son's name.
the person who did this would have know my password because it is our son's name
I 've done nothing wrong, mate
Lets work it out and change his password so he can't get back into RHP for being so silly!!
Aaron Abe Aceem Adam Adebishi Adib
Adil Adnan Adrian Aidan Aiden Alain
Alaister, Alan, Alasdair, Alastair, Albert, Albie,Ale, Alec, Alex, Alexander, Alexi, Alexis, Alfie, Ali, Alim, Alistair, Allan, Alwyn,
Amancleep, Amar, Amber, Anand, Andres, Andrew, Andrzej, Andy, Aneesh, Aneria, Ange, Angus, Anish, Anthony, Antoine, Anush, Archie, Ari, Arjun, Arnold, Aroshona, Arran, Arrie, Arthur, Arun, Asghar, Ashby, Ashley, Ashton, Ashwin, Asland, Avi, Avikar, Axle, Azad.
Bugger all these failed. Lets try B
Babs, Baptist, Barnaby, Barney, Barry, Bassem, Ben, Benedict, Benjamin, Benji, Benoit, Bernard, Bertie, Bhavesh, Bhavraj, Bill, Billy, Blake, Blane, Bobby, Brad, Bradley, Brandon, Brendan, Brett, Brian, Briggs, Brinley, Brooke, Brutus, Bryan, Bruce.
Bugger all these failed. Lets try C next
Originally posted by Ice ColdSmart ass replies annoy me. You annoy me.These forums annoy me. Before posting people who has something to say said it. They stood up.
What a bunch of crap. 😞
Not your story, that too is probably crap. 😞
But I was hoping this was an axe murder story or something cool.
Nothing to see here, move along please. 😞
Posting is not a substitue for real life experience. Next time you don't agree with what someone has said say it to their face. All your life you've wanted to do this . Do it! Stop thinking "Gee can't wait to log on so can tell that guy what i really think!"