Only Chess
01 Sep 07
Originally posted by ivan2908Almost instantly. (Less than 1 sec.) I'm lousy at tactics, but I've seen this one before. (I guess that disqualifies me, lol.)
Take your stopwatch and solve it !! What is your result? White mates in two. After we solve this many times, someone else can submit other problems, so we can se who is the faster and more accurate!
[fen]r2qr2k/pbpp2pp/1p5N/3Q2b1/2P1P3/P7/1PP2PPP/R4RK1 w - - 0 0[/fen]
Originally posted by ivan2908less than a second... these kind of mates you should see immediately, and if you don't, train easy tactics (like these) until you do.
Take your stopwatch and solve it !! What is your result? White mates in two. After we solve this many times, someone else can submit other problems, so we can se who is the faster and more accurate!
[fen]r2qr2k/pbpp2pp/1p5N/3Q2b1/2P1P3/P7/1PP2PPP/R4RK1 w - - 0 0[/fen]