Anyone tried it OTB or here recently?
I think I'll give it a go OTB next chance I get.
I quite like:
This is quite playable for black isn't it?
I prefer 3...f6 to the more usual 3...Qe7
Anyone play the Englund gambit as an occaisional surprise try against 1.d4?
Black is basically a pawn down with no compensation in that line. Also, with 4. e4!? white can either transpose to a position in the Schliemann defence of the Ruy Lopez after 4... fxe5 5. Bb5 (normally reached by 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 f5 4. d3 fxe4 5. dxe4) or after 4... fxe5 5. Bc4! play a version of the Giuoco Piano where black cannot castle kingside very well because of the missing f-pawn.
Originally posted by SquelchbelchSuperficially it looks OK. Black has gained a lead in development for the gambit. But a light bishop on c4, or a white knight on d5 would be threatening... infact a lot of lines that follow e4 (with the promise of e5!) next for white, seem to hold unpleasant threats for the black position. He can still transpose to a number of positions he might still like?
Anyone tried it OTB or here recently?
I think I'll give it a go OTB next chance I get.
I quite like:
[fen]r1bqk2r/pppp2pp/2n2n2/2b3B1/8/5N2/PPP1PPPP/RN1QKB1R w KQkq - 0 6[/fen]
This is quite playable for black isn't it?
I prefer 3...f6 to the more usual 3...Qe7
Anyone play the Englund gambit as an occaisional surprise try against 1.d4?
Originally posted by zzywAh. Now it looks like I dont have a mind of my own! ๐
Black is basically a pawn down with no compensation in that line. Also, with 4. e4!? white can either transpose to a position in the Schliemann defence of the Ruy Lopez after 4... fxe5 5. Bb5 (normally reached by 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 f5 4. d3 fxe4 5. dxe4) or after 4... fxe5 5. Bc4! play a version of the Giuoco Piano where black cannot castle kingside very well because of the missing f-pawn.
Originally posted by Squelchbelchplay the KID, QID, NKID(n stands for neo) or the Grunfeld or any opening you like that starts with ...Nf6!(there are almost infinity of them ๐ ) against d4. I call ...Nf6! brilliant because chances are you can play a line that your opponent has no knowledge of that is sound(unlike this gambit here) and hence have better prospects of winning than playing an unsound gambit.
Well I'm quite prepared to give it a go because I detest 1...d5 as black & am not keen on the Dutch after 1.d4...f5 2.Bg5 either.
Next time I face 1.d4 at my club I'll try 1...e5 & post the game here.
(providing I don't make a complete tit out of myself!)
Originally posted by rubberjaw30it isn't Nf3 either. and if I do play 1.e4 c6 I will just play the panov attack(now).
one of those 1. Nf3 fans, ehh?
it's ridiculous how you people change your first move reperitoire as white nowadays...
lose one game to a Caro-Kann and suddenly 1. e4 is unsound. good grief.
I play the Englund gambit at times. I find that black only has a few traps which, if white falls for, wins for black...
If not, white is up a pawn but with slightly less compensation. With perfect play it's a Morra gambit without tempo, probably drawing. With an error by white, it's a simple black win.
Originally posted by ih8sensdid you read zzyw's post?
I play the Englund gambit at times. I find that black only has a few traps which, if white falls for, wins for black...
If not, white is up a pawn but with slightly less compensation. With perfect play it's a Morra gambit without tempo, probably drawing. With an error by white, it's a simple black win.
Originally posted by tomtom232yah ๐. I don't have a lot of faith in this line anyways. If you are 200 points less than me and I know you'll be okay with a draw.. I'll probably play e5 or the french defense (e6). If you see me play the DD it's probably because I figure you won't be fishing for a draw.
did you read zzyw's post?