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Bird opening.

Bird opening.

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so far, I've been experience the bird system, much life the classical dutch and stonewall, but my succes is not great, as i found the lenigrad, really hard to play.

This position is maybe a trouble for me. (Pgn)

A little ago, after starting the benko gambit themathic tournament. , I suggest
The new gambit. which show the next pgn

Porblem is that this gambit is a real mess OTB.

Will the same thing happen if I try the same approch in the bird. (Planning to sac with b4 and a3.

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see wormwood, he is an aficionado.

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Have you watched the Polar Bear videos on Youtube?

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Originally posted by AudreyxSophie
so far, I've been experience the bird system, much life the classical dutch and stonewall, but my succes is not great, as i found the lenigrad, really hard to play.

This position is maybe a trouble for me. (Pgn)

[pgn]1.f4 d5 2.Nf3 c5[/pgn]
A little ago, after starting the benko gambit themathic tournament. , I suggest
The new gambit. which sho ...[text shortened]... ch in the bird. (Planning to sac with b4 and a3.

[pgn]1.f4 d5 2.Nf3 c5 3.c4 d4 4.b4[/pgn]
the first one is just mainline (if you're going for a reversed leningrad ie. 'polar bear'😉. the order of moves is often interchangeable. you'll be usually aiming for:

I don't play the c4 lines myself, but I remember fritz liking c4 quite often. but I've never seen GM danielsen play it. except maybe later with b4 break in mind.

now that I think of it, your idea is probably okay, but just too early. you're not anyway near castling, so what happens if black just breaks you open with e5 or g5, and throws the kitchen sink at you? it migh be okay, but there's gonna be all kinds of iniative for black.

besides development, at least one of the things you should be thinking about it, is how c4 is affecting your chances for e4. which is almost always good, if you can just get it in somehow. also the knight often goes to c4, so you need to think of that too.

btw, when you'll be fritzing your tries and figuring bird out, the engines will almost never like your position in the beginning. pay no attention to that, they'll come around later. it's just the hardcoded penalties for not moving e4 or d4 first, and the slow initial development (polar bear starts up slow generally, a bit like d4-openings).

check out danielsen's website for loads of stuff on f4, mainly the leningrad version of it.


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stuff, like breaking the g-file has been on htat Benko-like gambit in the Dutch, has white was intending to do so.

I just wanted to know if white can adopt the benko gambit style, exchange piece, has even in the ending, he could have enough compensation. But the f-pawn change.

My engine, indentify, this position has the Benko gambit...... Maybe I should change.

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I like that reverse benko with f4 idea

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Originally posted by National Master Dale
I like that reverse benko with f4 idea
Me too. Ideas like this are usually at least playable as white. At least white wouldn't have to worry about databases containing tons of games where this line has already been played.

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Like, woodworm(sic), said, black can be very violent.

like in the orignal (AudreySophie gambit.) Where white can at once, bring down the ultimate violance and push g4 right away, but his developpement, wait.

It is the same, except, thast white, after c4, already intend to play g4, but black sac his pawn before white.

Now, black is not really ready to do it, and going back in the original gambit, white's extra tempio will prouve usefull..

This is the bird of my Gambit. safer.....

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Originally posted by AudreyxSophie
Like, woodworm, said, black can be very violent.

-woodworm is a different guy, muuuuch better. 🙂

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I'll say wormwood....


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check out danielsen's website for loads of stuff on f4, mainly the leningrad version of it.

Thanks for this tip- I have been dabbling with the Leningrad Reversed (I call it the St Pete Attack with my tongue firmly in cheek), and also the reversed Antoshin (which has been my best scorer), and this gives me new stuff to explore.


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Originally posted by Paul Leggett
..I call it the St Pete Attack with my tongue firmly in cheek...
bela pes peterburg. 🙂 (there's a song called chernyi pes peterburg - black dog petersburg)

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I played it for a while, everyone plays 'the recipe' and it can be hard to meet. I was using Taylor's book if you are interested here is the review:


Some of the other lines are trappy and fun like the Froms declined and when black responds 1... f5?!

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ho, you do not panick, the symmetrical is just very good.

and not all symmetrical pôsition are good for white, some are bad.

but I prefer my new gambit.

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Originally posted by DrivingInsane
I played it for a while, everyone plays 'the recipe' and it can be hard to meet. I was using Taylor's book if you are interested here is the review:


Some of the other lines are trappy and fun like the Froms declined and when black responds 1... f5?!
1...f5 almost invariably lands black in big trouble after 1.f4 f5 2.e4 fxe4 3.d3. -it's not losing or anything, but it's quite nasty to survive. it's a bit like playing against staunton's gambit with one tempo down.

I also love it when people try froms against me, it's a free pawn! but the declined is considered the 'quiet' way to play it. -sure you sometimes screw something up, but in most games black is struggling right from the beginning.

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