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blitz etiquette

blitz etiquette

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I play 1.Nf3 in blitz and my opponent leaves.

Do you think this acceptable or just plain rude?

Is 1. Nf3 so tricky? (You can after all reply with anything!)

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Originally posted by wolfgang59
I play 1.Nf3 in blitz and my opponent leaves.

Do you think this acceptable or just plain rude?

Is 1. Nf3 so tricky? (You can after all reply with anything!)
maybe your move triggered a nervous reaction and your opponent was suddenly reminded to feed his horses.

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or his work telephone rang?

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Originally posted by wolfgang59
I play 1.Nf3 in blitz and my opponent leaves.

Do you think this acceptable or just plain rude?

Is 1. Nf3 so tricky? (You can after all reply with anything!)
He knows you've read Richard Reti's Modern Ideas in Chess, and he very appropriately resigns.

It is at least a moral victory, and a substantial one at that, in that you effectively made him resign with your first move!


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I'm sorry but 1.Nf3?You can't do that,it's considered an insult.A slap in the face.

You should be ashamed!

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Originally posted by Ajuin
I'm sorry but 1.Nf3?You can't do that,it's considered an insult.A slap in the face.

You should be ashamed!
That sounds like Tarrasch talk to me! 😛

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1. Nf3??, Nf6!!

you can resign now.

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Originally posted by wolfgang59
I play 1.Nf3 in blitz and my opponent leaves.

Do you think this acceptable or just plain rude?

Is 1. Nf3 so tricky? (You can after all reply with anything!)
You mean at a blitz site?
Yes, it's rude.

If I don't mind being rude the blitz sites is a perfect tool of training.
If I want to train, say, Kings-gambit accepted, I start game with 1.e4 If he is not respnding with 1...e5 then I quit, starting a new game until I find an opponent answering my e4 with e5. I continue with 2.f4 If he is not responding with exf4 then I quit, starting a new game until I find an opponent answering my f4 with exf4. And so on.
There will be many quittings, but enough KGA to give me the training I want.

But certainly rude.

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Originally posted by erikido
1. Nf3??, Nf6!!

you can resign now.
2. g3 g6
3. b4!?


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Maybe he thought you were Kramnik.

Maybe you *are* Kramnik.

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Originally posted by erikido
1. Nf3??, Nf6!!

you can resign now.
wut? i'd just play d4 then...

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
You mean at a blitz site?
Yes, it's rude.

If I don't mind being rude the blitz sites is a perfect tool of training.
If I want to train, say, Kings-gambit accepted, I start game with 1.e4 If he is not respnding with 1...e5 then I quit, starting a new game until I find an opponent answering my e4 with e5. I continue with 2.f4 If he is not responding w ...[text shortened]... will be many quittings, but enough KGA to give me the training I want.

But certainly rude.
Not rude. Its a blitz site you're going to find a game no matter what. Thats like saying its rude for someone to change their mind.

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1.Nf3 g5!? 2.Nxg5 e5

Use to get played a by a couple of players in the Edinburgh league
with some good results.

They use to conjure up some incredible postions. Certainly not the kind
the White player was expecting when he played 1.Nf3.

Great for blitz or even with a quick league TC,
But totally useless at Net CC.

And yet there is a player called Medievalist (1837) who has won a
few times with it.

This is not one of his but it's a good example of an active attitude
v a placid player. White appears to do nothing wrong. Then the tactics start.

I say again, this is not what White expected when he played 1.Nf3.

Black's 25...Rxg5! Good move, No messing about.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
1.Nf3 g5!? 2.Nxg5 e5

[fen]rnbqkbnr/pppp1p1p/8/4p1N1/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq e6 0 3[/fen]

Use to get played a by a couple of players in the Edinburgh league
with some good results.

They use to conjure up some incredible postions. Certainly not the kind
the White player was expecting when he played 1.Nf3.

Great for blitz or even with a ...[text shortened]... Kd2c1 Rg8xg5 25. hxg5 Nf6e4 26. Rh1g1 Be7xg5 27. Nd3f4 Bg5xf4[/pgn]
at first glance, that was a marvelous game. thanks gp!

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[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2010.3.9"]
[Round "?"]
[White "fellow earthling"]
[Black "National Master Dale"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. Ng1-f3 g7-g5 2. Nf3xg5 e7-e5 3. d2-d3 Nb8-c6 4. g2-g3 d7-d5 5. e2-e4 Bc8-e6 6. Ng5xe6 f7xe6 7. Bf1-g2 Ng8-f6 8. O-O Qd8-d6 9. Nb1-c3 O-O-O 10. Nc3-b5 Qd6-c5 11. a2-a4 a7-a6 12. Nb5-c3 Bf8-g7 13. e4xd5 e6xd5 14. Bc1-d2 Rh8-e8 15. Ra1-b1 h7-h5 16. Nc3-a2 e5-e4 17. b2-b4 Qc5-d4 18. Bd2-e3 Qd4-e5 19. d3-d4 Qe5-f5 20. b4-b5 a6xb5 21. a4xb5 Nc6-a5 22. Be3-f4 Na5-c4 23. c2-c3 Qf5-e6 24. Na2-b4 Qe6-f5 25. Qd1-a4 Nc4-b6 26. Qa4-a2 h5-h4 27. Rb1-a1 h4-h3 28. Bg2-h1 Nf6-h5 29. Qa2-a7 Nh5xf4 30. g3xf4 Qf5-g4

This thread has inspired me to try ...g5

Feel free to volunteer to pgn this so it works.

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