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Chess News - GM's and FM's whoooped....

Chess News - GM's and FM's whoooped....

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11.01.2005 - It was billed as "one of the more spectacular chess events in 2005, a first ever Man vs Machine chess shoot-out". Two GMs and two FMs against the strongest programs available: Fritz, Shredder, Junior and Chessmaster. The result was a disastrous 14.5 - 1.5 defeat for the humans.

Doesn't look good for humans OTB. Full article is in the link.

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Originally posted by wib

11.01.2005 - It was billed as "one of the more spectacular chess events in 2005, a first ever Man vs Machine chess shoot-out". Two GMs and two FMs against the strongest programs available: Fritz, Shredder, Junior and Chessmaster. The result was a disastrous 14.5 - 1.5 defeat for the humans.

Doesn't look good for humans OTB. Full article is in the link.
Hopefully this will end the STUPID argument that "I am good enough to beat engines anyways", if you routinely beat engines, you are probably using one yourself of much rarer and higher brass. Ironman's legitamentcy doesn't look too good right now, oops, lol! But seriously, given these results of this tournament, do you still beleive in the "Ironman factor"? I'm not saying he cheats, but do you still beleive in the unbeleivable?

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Mateulose, How old are you?

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Originally posted by wib

11.01.2005 - It was billed as "one of the more spectacular chess events in 2005, a first ever Man vs Machine chess shoot-out". Two GMs and two FMs against the strongest programs available: Fritz, Shredder, Junior and Chessmaster. The result was a disastrous 14.5 - 1.5 defeat for the humans.

Doesn't look good for humans OTB. Full article is in the link.
Forgive my ignorance, Uncle Red, but what is the usual rating of a GM and FM? Those masters look really young!

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lol i was looking around the website and found a story about an 8 year old player with an ELO rating of 2052!! lol!


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Yes, his name is Kamil Tomsia. Born 4/16/1996. Very impressive. Here is a copy of one of his games.

Tomsia,Kamil (2000) - Dudzinski,Piotr (2098) [D12]
Cracovia B Krakow (1.1), 27.12.2004
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.e3 Nf6 4.Nf3 Bf5 5.Nc3 e6 6.Bd3 Bg6 7.0-0 Bd6 8.cxd5 exd5 9.Re1 Ne4 10.Qc2 f5 11.Nd2 Bxh2+ 12.Kf1 Qh4 13.Nf3 Qh6 14.Nxd5 Bd6 15.Nf4 Bxf4 16.exf4 Qh1+ 17.Ng1 0-0 18.Qb3+ Rf7 19.Bc4 b5 20.Be6 Na6 21.Qh3 Qxh3 22.Nxh3 Nb4 23.Re2 Re8 24.Bxf7+ Bxf7 25.b3 Rd8 26.Be3 Nc3 27.Rd2 Ne4 28.Rdd1 Nc3 29.Rd2 Ne4 30.Rb2 Nd3 31.Rc2 Bd5 32.Ng5 Nxg5 33.fxg5 f4 34.Bd2 f3 35.gxf3 Rf8 36.f4 Nxf4 37.Bxf4 Rxf4 38.Ke2 Rxd4 39.f3 a5 40.Rc3 a4 41.Re3 Kf7 42.Rd1 Rb4 43.bxa4 Rxa4 44.a3 Kg6 45.Rg1 Rf4 46.Kf2 Rf5 47.Rg3 Rxg5 48.Rxg5+ Kxg5 49.Kg3 Kf6 50.Kf4 h5 51.Kg3 Kf5 52.Re7 g5 53.Re8 h4+ 54.Kf2 g4 55.Rf8+ Kg5 56.f4+ Kg6 57.Rh8 Kf5 58.Ke3 h3 59.Rh5+ Ke6 60.Kf2 c5 61.Kg3 b4 62.axb4 cxb4 63.Kxg4 b3 64.Rxh3 b2 65.Re3+ Kf6 ½-½

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Originally posted by wib

11.01.2005 - It was billed as "one of the more spectacular chess events in 2005, a first ever Man vs Machine chess shoot-out".
That would be the first ever man v. machine shoot out since the last man v. machine shootout in Bilbao last October then 😉

I don't find these games very interesting though - seems to be that GM's get reasonable positions in the opening and early middlegame, then self-destruct either when the machine finds some tactics or in time trouble.

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Originally posted by darvlay
Forgive my ignorance, Uncle Red, but what is the usual rating of a GM and FM? Those masters look really young!
Hmmm...don't know Darv, but they do look likea bunch of kids. Still they had the titles... I think the minimum GM rating is 2400? Might be 2500. I know it's in that area

I wasn't suprised the humans lost though, I was just very suprised at the score! It could of course be a case of players that young not knowing, or not understanding anti-engine tactics. I don't know?

Ok, I got this for USCF ratings. Best I could find with a quick look.


A Grandmaster would normally be rated about 2500. (See the next section, which explains International Titles.) The highest rated players in the world on the FIDE system have ratings of about 2800.

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Originally posted by darvlay
Forgive my ignorance, Uncle Red, but what is the usual rating of a GM and FM? Those masters look really young!
FM only need a rating requirement of 2300

IM 2400 and a norm of 2450

GM 2500 Im sure you need a fair few GM norms.


You can look up the precice details here.

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Originally posted by wib
Hmmm...don't know Darv, but they do look likea bunch of kids. Still they had the titles... I think the minimum GM rating is 2400? Might be 2500. I know it's in that area

I wasn't suprised the humans lost though, I was just very suprised at the score! It could of course be a case of players that young not knowing, or not understanding anti-engine tact ...[text shortened]... highest rated players in the world on the FIDE system have ratings of about 2800.[/i]

There are quite a few young GM's I think the youngest to date is 12.

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Originally posted by Grayeyesofsorrow
There are quite a few young GM's I think the youngest to date is 12.
That's just unreal. How the heck do they play like that at age 12? Or any other age that ends with "teen"???

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Originally posted by Grayeyesofsorrow
There are quite a few young GM's I think the youngest to date is 12.
Incredible. Too bad there's no money in chess...

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Originally posted by darvlay
Incredible. Too bad there's no money in chess...
There is sort of money in chess. Not from the chess itself but you can tutor people which can pay a bit , you can even do it online.

Some of the better clubs in the world have "mercenary" chess players. The clubs pay for the IM or GM to be flown to the club games :-)

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Originally posted by wib
That's just unreal. How the heck do they play like that at age 12? Or any other age that ends with "teen"???
The shortest time iv ever heard of anyone going from scratch to GM is 4 years, its probably been done in less. Becoming a GM at the age of 12 is an exception.

Im not sure how many GMs are under 16. Might be able to find it on FIDE, but I doubt it.

There are often quite a few young players at the torunaments I go to, not normally rated higher than 130BCF, but thats still very respectable. I dont really think chess is about age that much, sure babies cant play it and as we get older some of the edge slips, but its still a life long game, peoples rating are directly effected by how much they put into chess.

mateulose dont bother to reply and spam this thread with your wah wah wah.

It is thought that most people can make FM with only hard work alone, but to progress past that you will have needed to have started chess at a young age. A lot of IM's and GM's learnt and played chess as children then gave the game up for a while, then came back to it and worked hard for there title.

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Originally posted by darvlay
Incredible. Too bad there's no money in chess...
If I am not mistaken, don't you win millions of dollars in prize money if you become chess world champion a given year?

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