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Halloween Gambit

Halloween Gambit

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In the spirit of October, can anyone recommend a good book on the Halloween Gambit? Does anyone play the Halloween with some regularity? And did Fischer ever play the Halloween ( just curious, would like to see the game if he did)?

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Hi Sniper.

White sacs a Knight for a broad pawn centre, some tempo
gaining space grabbing Knight kicking and to put your opponent
into a difficult position.

And that is the 'Book'.

Fischer never played it, his openings were designed to avoid letting
his opponents steer the game into dull tepid positions.

Dull, tepid - The Halloween Gambit?

Black can play the 'Trick or Treat' defence and the best White has
is an exchange French Defence with two Knight already off.
You want more with your White pieces than that.
Fischer certainly did.

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greenpawn, although that's a fine argument against the halloween gambit, would you play that line with black? If white makes an unsound piece sac on move 4 you would surely want to punish him with a 0, no?

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I would be happy to play against the "main line" of the Halloween Gambit, and "punish white", at least in correspondence chess. OTB, it would be another story. That being said, I doubt I'll ever play against it; I play the Sicilian.

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Good question.

I've seen the mess lower graded Black players get into playing
this so I'm showing them a way out and into a playable middle game
(and a totally depressed white player).

What would I do?

I'm Morphy's greatest disciple, develop develop develop.

I would not move a piece twice in the opening to nick a Knight
knowing that my developed Knights are going to get kicked all
over the board.

I'd ignore the Knight and develop a piece. 4...Bc5.
The 'Wiches Brew Attack' - I'm making these names up as I go along.

This hides a brillo trap.

5.Nxc6 dxc6 6.e5 Ng4!! winning.

So there is two lines v this nonsense one safe (don't relax) the
other double-edged, you are a down (flesh wound) but you have an
e-apwn to attack so plan to 0-0-0 and then create problems.
But that is me.

Again the White player has been crossed.
On both occasions he is sitting there 'booked-up' with all kinds
of trick up his sleeve and this has happened.

It's OK to take the Knight but White gets a position full of joy and
ideas and Black is in blunder land which means he has to play some
exact only moves. As I said I've seen loads of White wins because
players have not been up to the task.

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I happen to have played the halloween gambit on 16 games here, and I am not deceived by it. I don,t believe it is unsound.

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Hi Audrey.

Post a couple of your wins to show the mess Black can get in.
Has anyone played either of the two lines I gave.
Have you lost with it?

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Originally posted by dirtysniper
In the spirit of October, can anyone recommend a good book on the Halloween Gambit? Does anyone play the Halloween with some regularity? And did Fischer ever play the Halloween ( just curious, would like to see the game if he did)?
There is an excellent web article on the Halloween gambit


I googled it and there seems to be some other websites with information too. Its not a serious opening, but its one of those "its not as bad as you might think" openings.

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Hi green pawn..

I will present you some wins. In this treat, I did not lost while playing it, as i was really booked

The first one...

Here is a second.
This one has been refused. but it was dubious to do that. the end is looking good.

Now for a third game.

Well, I can also state that my opponent were not so high rated, but these games show how dangerous it can be at low level. and at mid level, it may be not better.

I will present the rest later.

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Good examples, though the Black players played some slack moves.

I liked the dream centre of pawns In game 2

Bad habit play by you in this game.
Here White to play.

You protected the b-pawn with 11.b3?

11.Bc4 (always develop with gain of tempo) Wins that Bishop on a5.

The cute 11....Rb4 fails.

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I missed it.

Here is some others halloween gambit. I hope you can like some.

This feature me, trying this thing, with a player rated 1800. And I win. he actually, return the knight, but let me a dream centre.

and there follow some short game.

The error in this next game Nh5, And forget about Neg6, it just lose.

The third game, is a fully accepted gambit, it show how black attemps to close the centre fail, to an heavy attack by white after g3. If you play the halloween, you NEED to know these things

And I'll end with two game, I played with gvillin, a good player, rated about 1569, and he can improve. He had no intention of refusion the gambit. One of them include a queen sac he refuse to keep living.

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An attempt at playing the Halloween

2 edits
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So why didn't you capture on h6 immediately in the opening?

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Originally posted by heinzkat
So why didn't you capture on h6 immediately in the opening?
I had thought of Bxh6 , but was unsure if I should trade of my bishop.

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Originally posted by dirtysniper
I had thought of Bxh6 , but was unsure if I should trade of my bishop.
It's not a trade as your opponent has to cover f7 instead of recapturing

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