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OTB Games: Stress

OTB Games: Stress

Only Chess



22 Dec 05
25 Sep 06
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Originally posted by Tinmart69
How do you overcome the stress at OTB games ?
I played my first game of the new season, at the local club last week, only to suffer a depressing defeat. I hadn't played any OTB chess for 4 months, and made my moves far too quick, after being a slightly nervous player at the opening.
Sometimes you got to get into the moment. Sometimes I get so caught up in the game I actually want the stress. I recommend walking around, refreshing your mind, and keeping some water at the board. Sometimes drinking water is the necessary distraction to give you a fresh perspective.

Once I learned how to handle the stress, I started playing better in games where I was stressed out. Kinda weird, huh?



18 Dec 05
25 Sep 06
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my adrenaline pumps like crazy when i'm playing otb as well. i think better on otb than the internet because i can move a lot and still have a move waiting. i like to always have more time but at times i will think for a while. better safe than sorry if you use up a little bit more time and it saves your position it was worthy if you move quick and then get a losing position and your a little bit above time and there is 20 minutes on both of your clocks what does it matter? you can finish 4 quick games in that ammount of time. just relax and go for it if you lose you can learn from it nobody will win every single game they play. not even grand masters they make mistakes as well you know.


08 Aug 06
26 Sep 06
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I agree with Fire Dragon, especially this sentence...

"Go back to each move with a fresh mind and look at the board quickly as if this is the first time you've seen it. "

That is great advice!

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