Only Chess
07 Dec 06
Originally posted by wittywonka1.c8=Q Q(or B)xQ 2.Rf7#?
Here's a puzzle created by yours truly 🙂
White to move and mate in two...
If black tries to defend f7 from mate then white mates on e6 with his new queen 🙂
Hmmm... maybe not... black can move the knight with discovered check.
Originally posted by ckoh19651.Kd6! [threat 2.Qb7#]
Try this one. ilywrin gave this to me. (Been getting quite a few beautiful ones from him/her). I hope you don't mind this, ilywrin!
(G.Andersen, 1915) White to mate in 2:
[fen]8/2K1Qp1b/2p5/1k6/8/RBp3r1/8/1R6 w - - 0 1[/fen]
1...Rg6+ 2.Be6#
1...Rd3+ 2.Bd5#
1...Kb6 2.Bc2#
1...Kb4 2.Kxc6#
Nice key, brazenly inviting two R checks.