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Quality dragon game

Quality dragon game

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I don't know about improvements, but I looked through the first game and it was excellent. Well done 🙂

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I went through it with Crafty. Just before the knight sacrifice Crafty (given less than a minute) assesses the positions as +0.73 and suggests 22. Rfd1, after the knight sacrifice it assesses the position at +0.45; so the sacrifice is ok., the evaluation keeps bouncing around (it hit 2.12 at one point) which means that black had better watch out. Black should capture with the f pawn. Crafty gives 23. Qh6 straight away, and puts the rook on g1 after Bh5 because of 23. ... e6 24. Qh6 Qf6 when black can defend; it rates the position then at -0.19 (after 5 minutes) so it's not a disaster. After that the only other thing it points to is on move 31. Qa5+ you had Nd5+, although I think that that's engine stuff; your method simplifies into a straightforward(ish) won ending, whereas the engine wants lots of complications.

Basically as far as I can tell once you were out of database/book moves you got it pretty much right, apart from 23. Rdg1 which lets black off the hook, but doesn't actually lose.

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for that first game I think black should have tried a pawnstorm with the a and b pawns instead of trading his knight for your bishop which wasted a move.

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I wouldn't play Nc4, allowing h5, I would play h5 myself.

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Game 3126699
Most of my comments are for black (because I dont play the white side of the Sicilian) and most of them are simply a matter of taste anyway

9. .. Bd7
I've never liked this move, i usually find i can't build enough momentum as black. I prefer
9. .. Nd5
10. Bb3 a5

12. .. Nc4
I prefer h5

15. Nde2
Nb3 is more common but i think i like your continuation better. AFAIK you are both still in the book .. or at least you should be ..

20. .. Bxf4
I think after Qa5 black is looking at least as good as white. The reason is that now Blacks Queen can swing into the defense of his kingside while still maintaining pressure on the white king. The game continuation shows how dangerous the white attack is at this point.

23. .. Kg7
I'm pretty sure that this was the breaking point.
I think maybe e5 or Qa5 may have been better .. bringing the Queen to the party better late than never?

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Originally posted by DeepThought

Basically as far as I can tell once you were out of database/book moves you got it pretty much right, apart from 23. Rdg1 which lets black off the hook, but doesn't actually lose.
Really? I much prefer Rdg1 than the alternatives. What does crafty suggest is blacks equalizing response?

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Just in general terms, black should have swung queen over to the A file sooner. In this kind of opening black must get counterplay fast. with dragon it has to be pieces since pawn pushing's too slow. Diddling around trying to save fianchettoed bishop just wasted time. black queen didn't move once. tough playing dragon in correspondence since there are tons of analysis. overall, good game by white.

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Why not 23. Qh6?


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Originally posted by idioms
Really? I much prefer Rdg1 than the alternatives. What does crafty suggest is blacks equalizing response?
The line Crafty gives after 23. Rdg1 is 23. ... e6 24. Qh6 Qf6 and black defends, because the queen is covering h8. After the immediate 23. Qh6 it gives the line 23. ... Bh5 24. Rdg1 Rc5 25. Ne4 Qc7 26. Nxc5 Qxc5, when black's had to surrender the exchange.

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26.Rhg5 intending Rxg6+ wins

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