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The Assassin Pawn

The Assassin Pawn

Only Chess


A collection of Assassin Mates + Nimzo5 getting a draw with Spassky.

Blog 4

This is a pawn mate from TimmyBx. It starts with 1.b3.
I don't want my Blog clogged up with crappy naffy games that begin with 1.b3
so I'm posting it here. 🙂


Not quite mate ... Black has ...NxP.


We have got to give Nimzo5 props for being sharply dressed at the chess board.

Some people just know how to do it right!

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Here is one game of mine: Game 8135279. I lost as black to an assassin.

Do you also refer to a pawn as assassin if it mates by promoting?

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Originally posted by tvochess
Do you also refer to a pawn as assassin if it mates by promoting?
not if he promotes to a queen.

thats transvestites mate...

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Hi tvochess

There are literally 100's of pawn mates on RHP where one side is practically
a whole chess set up. So one player decides to mate with a Novice Assassin Pawn.
(he is practising his Assassin Pawn Mates.)

I think a real Assasin is the pawn that does it from a level postion and
is part of plan/combination.

This was also sent by TimmyBx (and this is a mate.)
I would not class this as a true Assassin Mate.

TimmyBx -Kegge RHP 2011 final position.

Instead of e5-e6 mate. White could have played Nf6 mate.

If a pawn promotes it is re-born as a Queen, Rook, Bishop or Knight
thus losing it's potential Aasassin status.

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Mate with a pawn is my favorite because it's so rare. Didn't know it had a name.

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I got assasinated by Grampy Bobby recently. The old dude beat me up quite badly really.

[Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2011.10.13"]
[EndDate "2011.10.23"]
[Round "?"]
[White "SmittyTime"]
[Black "Grampy Bobby"]
[WhiteRating "1425"]
[BlackRating "1634"]
[WhiteElo "1425"]
[BlackElo "1634"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "8775815"]

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
A collection of Assassin Mates + Nimzo5 getting a draw with Spassky.

Blog 4

This is a pawn mate from TimmyBx. It starts with 1.b3.
I don't want my Blog clogged up with crappy naffy games that begin with 1.b3
so I'm posting it here. 🙂

[Event "CCOUSA 7/14 OCT2010 Round Robin"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2011. ...[text shortened]... 4e5 Rd8f8 27. Kg3h3 Rf8e8 28. Rf3xf7 Kg7h6 29. g4 Re8f8 30. g5[/pgn]
I don't know how to show the game but my very first game on RHP had an (unforced, fortuitous) assassin pawn.

Game 5846265

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Originally posted by JS357
I don't know how to show the game but my very first game on RHP had an (unforced, fortuitous) assassin pawn.

Game 5846265
This thread is turning a collection of Assassin Mates.
(What is the collective term?)

Here is the JS357 game.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
This thread is turning a collection of Assassin Mates.
(What is the collective term?)

Here is the JS357 game.

[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2009.01.03"]
[EndDate "2009.01.13"]
[Round "?"]
[White "MissOleum"]
[Black "JS357"]
[WhiteRating "1041"]
[BlackRating "1587"]
[WhiteElo "1041"]
[BlackElo "1587" ...[text shortened]... 4 39. Rd6d7 Kg7g6 40. Rd7xa7 Re4xe5 41. Ra7d7 Re5e3 42. Kg3g4 h5[/pgn]
Here's another, less fortuitous. I think if not for the resignation, it's an assassin's mate after RxP. Crazy game.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
This thread is turning a collection of Assassin Mates.
I thought this is what you wanted. At the end of your blog:

"Thread 142937 if you have an Assassin Mate you want to share."

And indeed, not all pawn mates are fascinating/interesting, but using a pawn to mate is the only objective property of an Assassin.

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This is what I did indeed want.
I now need the collective term for a gathering of Assassin Mates...
a School of Assassin Mates...a set of Assassin Mates...a scheme of Assassin Mates...

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