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Today's Greenpawn Position

Today's Greenpawn Position

Only Chess

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White To Move And Win ... No, I didn't find this one myself.

I will include the whole game because Greenpawn docks me if I don't include it. (The solution is not in it.)

It's a nice 5-Minute win against a 2200 rated player.

The ending is a bit of a fluke, but the pressure finally got to him.

16.Qxd8 (and a rook trade) wins the a pawn.

25.Rc1 is better

If 27. ... Bc5 28.Qf3 ... It was actually correct to play 27.Qf3 before Rxb6 if I remember correctly.

31.Bh6 is not so good.

A possible ending after 34. ... Kh8 is 35.Rxh7+ Kg8 36.Rbg7+ Kf8 37.Rf7+ Kg8 38. Rhg7+ Kh8 39.Rxg6 and the f pawns fall.

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Suprised you didn't see it! It was the first move my eye saw but mainly because you said white to move and win. Otherwise I would have been lookin to not lose that bishop!

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*** Spoiler ***

Here is the SOLUTION.

31.Rg7+ Bxg7 32.Rxg7+ Kxg7 33.Qd7+

A. Re7 34.Qxe7+ Kg8 A simple human solution would be 35.Qd8+ Kf7 36.Qxf6+ Kg8 37.Qd8+ Kf7 38.Qe7+ Kg8 39.Bh6 Winning The Queen

B.Kg8 34.Qxe8+ Kg7 35.Qe7+ Kg8 And again 36.Bh6 is simple

There may be better wins, but these are the easiest to comprehend.

Greenpawn's gotta love this ... two consecutive rook sacks on a defended sqaure !!!

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Sacrifice both rooks on g7 and then play the queen to d7

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I was looking at black defending with rxh3 which is a nice counter sacrifice it never gets the chance to play.

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I just saw it, beautifull, Rg7.

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In this position I'd say that 1. Rg7 is the first move to consider. IMO sacs like that should always be thought about in such attacking positions. Anyway, kudos for finding it in blitz.

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Originally posted by Kristaps
In this position I'd say that 1. Rg7 is the first move to consider. IMO sacs like that should always be thought about in such attacking positions. Anyway, kudos for finding it in blitz.
He states in the OP that he missed it in the game.

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Originally posted by MISTER CHESS
He states in the OP that he missed it in the game.
Wow, sorry for misreading. Still, a nice sac.

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Hi Paul.

Just back in from watching the football (soccer).
So a bit merry.

Puzzle was a wee bitty too easy with too many clues - you should have
gave the game and then asked what brilliant shot did I miss?

Point Allocation

You get 1 point cos of the 'Blind Pig' swindle.
If he goes to h8 then there is no mate.

Strange the guy walking into that, can only guess you were ahead
on the clock and you would have kept checking till his flag falls.

(I would as White and do offer a draw in these situations - better
to gain a friend and lose ½ a point than visa-versa).

No points for missing the brillo win and no points for missing the
mundane win.

31.Bxf6! Which looks bad because of the Queen check.
Two continuations based on the loose a6 Rook.

You even end up with the right Bishop for the h-pawn!

Try blocking with a Rook.

So 1 point.

Off to play blitz and will no doubt lose them all 'cos I cannot
play on these wee daft postage stamp sized boards when I've had a
drink or too.

(I tried making it larger once and logged myself off).

Just checked everthing on 'preview before post.'
Have gut feeling about 31.Bxf6 I may be missing a better win.

Been sitting in that blitz room for 5 minutes - no takers.
A couple of guys wanting 15 minute games??

Off to other places and see if I can lose 50 points each from the other
sites I play on.
I wonder if they will ever grade the games here?

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Hi Paul.

Just back in from watching the football (soccer).
So a bit merry.

Puzzle was a wee bitty too easy with too many clues - you should have
gave the game and then asked what brilliant shot did I miss?

[b]Point Allocation

You get 1 point cos of the 'Blind Pig' swindle.
If he goes to h8 then there is no mate.

[fen]4r1k1/6RR/5pp1 ...[text shortened]... from the other
sites I play on.
I wonder if they will ever grade the games here?[/b]
You wrote all that after watching England destroy the Croats 5-1 without any mistakes.

You're either a terrible supporter or a rediculous heavy weight!

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Originally posted by Freddie2008
England destroy the Croats 5-1 without any mistakes.

Hey they made a mistake allowing the goal.

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Originally posted by Freddie2008
You wrote all that after watching England destroy the Croats 5-1 without any mistakes.

You're either a terrible supporter or a rediculous heavy weight!

I'm not drunk - just merry and now tired.
(done OK in the end at Blitz).

I'm a Professional Poster.
I usually write it out first on Write or Notepad with Winboard then
copy and paste it in using 'preview before post.'

You lot should try it. Leave gaps between the paragraghs (windows),
make your posts want to be read.

I hate and rarely read those posts that are all jammed together
like Cheater_1 used to do.

Every word is carefully chosen as though I was choosing a move
at chess. I am an artist. 😉

I'll turn you all into chess players and adequate posters if it's the
last thing I do.

I'm going to start marking posts as I do Paul games. 🙂

(You can usually see the posts where I just bang away and post.
I miss out words as I race ahead and get all excited.)

And anyway I was watching the Scotland game. Lost £5.00 betting
on Scotland paired up with England.

Edit 1:
I just looked at your post again. You did 9 edits for two sentences!!

That's 2 out of 10 for you.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Hi Paul.

Just back in from watching the football (soccer).
So a bit merry.

Puzzle was a wee bitty too easy with too many clues - you should have
gave the game and then asked what brilliant shot did I miss?

[b]Point Allocation

You get 1 point cos of the 'Blind Pig' swindle.
If he goes to h8 then there is no mate.

[fen]4r1k1/6RR/5pp1 ...[text shortened]... from the other
sites I play on.
I wonder if they will ever grade the games here?[/b]
You're gut feeling is correct! 🙂 Think of your favorite kind of sac then double it. 😛

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Hi Paul.

Just back in from watching the football (soccer).
So a bit merry.

Puzzle was a wee bitty too easy with too many clues - you should have
gave the game and then asked what brilliant shot did I miss?

[b]Point Allocation

You get 1 point cos of the 'Blind Pig' swindle.
If he goes to h8 then there is no mate.

[fen]4r1k1/6RR/5pp1 ...[text shortened]... from the other
sites I play on.
I wonder if they will ever grade the games here?[/b]
That was an excellent post.

31.Bxf6 was a great move too.

This is around the time that the don't blow this phantoms begin to appear. I dream up (legal or illegal) ways for my opponent to swindle me in time pressure. For some reason, I thought he could get in Bh6 and Bf4+ if I left that diagonal.
I tend to play it safe in time trouble too. If I see one continuation that wins a pawn and another that stays even but leaves me much clearer play with pressure, I tend to turn down the pawn. (I know this wasn't the case here though. ) Also, I have one other personal rule when blitzing. I always try to stay even in time with my opponent. If I never go below him, he can't flag me. 🙂

In the end, we both still had a whole minute left, which made the mate more shocking. Perhaps, it was just a combination of the pressure and speed of the game (by both sides) that caused the oversight.

I had a nice Two Knights' with black yesterday, and I walked right into an opening trap in another game (new to Open Sicilian with white). I nearly survived that one, but after reaching a nearly drawn ending I botched it.

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Edit 2:

I went on and laid out the edit spaces too. I don't know what they are yet though. hehe

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