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Winning Against A Chess Computer

Winning Against A Chess Computer

Only Chess

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If you want a little ego boost, then Brutal Chess is the free chess program for you. I have played it several times since I downloaded it and won every game. It doesn't play good openings, but it plays well enough that it looks like it is going to give you a good game, then suddenly you are winning. I decided to play and record my moves like I was playing an OTB game at the chess club, since I haven't been there all this year to get a little practice before I head back to Columbia. Here two games that I played with some notes that might help beginners.

[Event "Human vs Computer"]
[Date "2013.07.23"]
[White "RJHinds"]
[Black "Brutal Chess (Medium)"]
[Result "1-0"]

Opening: Sicilian Defense, Alapin's variation

The next game is on hard level, but it doesn't seem to play any better than it did on medium. Nobody had ever played this defence against me before so after the game I had to look it up to see what it was called. After the first three moves, I thought I had fallen into an opening trap, however I figured a way out that gave me an advantage.

[Event "Human vs Computer"]
[Date "2013.07.23"]
[White "RJHinds"]
[Black "Brutal Chess (Hard)"]
[Result "1-0"]

Opening: Greco defence

The Instructor

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At the point in the game just before you move your knight and state that checkmate is inevitable there is another more elegant solution that makes for a fun puzzle you might want to try. Good game.

Edit: It starts at move 20 of the second game.

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those thumbs amount to trolling they really do - it is a tragic comedy that you seem to suffer the most on this site for being ...... good at chess 😞

the second game is good too. one dead computer

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I've downloaded brutal chess - its just like chess for apple but plays better oh and no take back button... here it is on its hard level v the Saitek Master at 20 sec per move - both have about the same time - I slipped on move 9 n could not take it back but by then the Saitek (white) has already got the better of it. I also now have free virus protection software that I didn't ask for , bonus 🙂

I find free chess software is mostly rubbish, better paying for a program - chess is so complex free progs don't cut it ... (but if anyone knows a free chess gui that can load uci engines that would be good)


Originally posted by RJHinds

["Human vs Computer"]

I'm confused, just who did you have for the human?

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Originally posted by ChessPraxis
I'm confused, just who did you have for the human?
it has no take back button - no cheating just pure chess skill, something those 3 thumbs down types obviously lack - you can't move the pieces by licking them ok ....


Originally posted by e4chris
I've downloaded brutal chess - its just like chess for apple but plays better oh and no take back button... here it is on its hard level v the Saitek Master at 20 sec per move - both have about the same time - I slipped on move 9 n could not take it back but by then the Saitek (white) has already got the better of it. I also now have free virus protection so ...[text shortened]... ut it ... (but if anyone knows a free chess gui that can load uci engines that would be good)
I enjoyed playing it for awhile because since it does not always play the best moves it give you a chance to practice your tactical skills. I think I was playing it at the medium level and made a mistake and thought I was going to lose, but was able to come back to win a long game. These are the only two I decided to play and record like I was playing OTB at the chess club.

I haven't played it again since then and have had other things that have kept me from being able to travel back to Columbia to play at that chess club. The bad thing about Brutal Chess is that I don't think there is a way to let the computer play white.

I enjoy playing these weak computers as long as they are not ridiculously weak. It is not much fun playing Houdini 3 because you never have a chance to play any interesting tactics, because it seems to see everything you are thinking about. I need one a little bit better than Brutal Chess that plays both sides to practice with OTB time limits and then maybe when I go back to Columbia I can gradually get my rating back up.

The Instructor

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Hi RJ.

To get that thing you are playing to play as White open with 1.e3 or something like that.

True playing a weak computer can give you a chance to show off your tactical prowess
especially if the thing has a 3 move horizon. (I think the tech term is 4 ply).
But I think I would prefer after three or four games more of a challenge.

Looking at the games again.


I think Microsoft's free Chess Titans program is fantastic for playing in a human-like way. It's popular with several casual chess playing friends of mine, who like the fact that they can beat it at the low levels.

I still use Crafty with WinBoard if I want to analyse an OTB game I've played. Both are free and Crafty is sufficiently strong to be able to point out any tactics missed during the game.


After trying a game against BrutalChess, I conclude that a win against this program means nothing. Any human 1400 player can beat this thing easily. It's not even good at basic tactics, which should be a computer's bread and butter.

Here's the game.


And here's how a real chess engine demolishes BrutalChess. I limited Deep Fritz 13 to 1 CPU core and no book and it still won a miniature.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Hi RJ.

To get that thing you are playing to play as White open with 1.e3 or something like that.

True playing a weak computer can give you a chance to show off your tactical prowess
especially if the thing has a 3 move horizon. (I think the tech term is 4 ply).
But I think I would prefer after three or four games more of a challenge.

Looking hop sac nonsense.} 20. Nxb5 Qxg2+ 21. Kxg2 Bxd5+ 22. Qxd5 a5 23. Qxa8+ Kd7 24. Qe8 [/pgn]
Overlooking my opponents tactics when I play OTB is why my rating has dropped so much. I am always thinking about not using too much time and don't consider all the moves of my opponent. That first game is a good example in which I won against this weak computer, but would lose at the chess club.

With that bad move with the bishop, which I thought was developing a piece and preventing Black from castling, I was not thinking too far ahead either. I assumed that the knight takes knight move would just get rid of my isolated bishop pawn and give me the advantage of two pawns in the center overlooking the checking fork by black's queen that wins my bishop.

Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

You are the Chess Instructor

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Originally posted by Fat Lady
I think Microsoft's free Chess Titans program is fantastic for playing in a human-like way. It's popular with several casual chess playing friends of mine, who like the fact that they can beat it at the low levels.

I still use Crafty with WinBoard if I want to analyse an OTB game I've played. Both are free and Crafty is sufficiently strong to be able to point out any tactics missed during the game.
That Chess Titans and a few other games came with my computer. Thanks for reminding me about that. I had forgot it was there. Okay I will try it on the different levels like I am playing OTB with my clock and recording my moves and see how I do.

The Instructor of Spirituality

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
And here's how a real chess engine demolishes BrutalChess. I limited Deep Fritz 13 to 1 CPU core and no book and it still won a miniature.

[Event "10s/Move"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Deep Fritz 13 (1 CPU core)"]
[Black "BrutalChess (1 CPU core)"]
[Result "1-0"]
[PlyCount "37"]

1. d4 e6 2. Nc3 Bd6 { Even begin ...[text shortened]... K.} gxf6 16. Bh6+ Kg8 17. Qxd4 Nd7 18. Qg4+ Ng6 19. Qe6# {mate} 1-0
Thanks alot for demolishing my ego.

The Stupid Instructor

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The Ba3 move would have been a moved I would have considered.
But I do latch onto unprotected pieces and Nxd4 takes adavantage of that.

However...after Nxd4 if White just castles.

If you can set up that position v that program then I am sure you will
be able to justify the speculatrive piece sac.
You are the h8 Rook up and Black will have to untangle carefully.
You have e5 and Qg4 coming, swing the Rooks in, don't be afraid to chop a
Knight with a Rook winning the developed pieces in play battle.
Remember it has a limited horizon so any 4 move combo will catch it.

So Ba3 may have been a sub-con move.
Your chess brain knew it dropped a piece but was happy with what was coming.
(or the computer is better that what we think it is and rejected Nxd4
because it did not like the position after castles....I doubt it.)

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