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Would you rather be black or white here?

Would you rather be black or white here?

Only Chess

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Which side would you rather be in this position?

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Probably white...hard to argue with 8 passed pawns. Have to defend that K carefully tho.

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Definitely white in this position.

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
Probably white...hard to argue with 8 passed pawns. Have to defend that K carefully tho.
Would it make a difference if it was black who had the pawns and white had the Queen, since white moves first?

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Originally posted by vivify
Which side would you rather be in this position?

[fen]rnbqkbnr/8/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNB1KBNR w KQkq - 0 1[/fen]
I had a position where I had 7 pawns V his queen (an IM rated over 2400).

I got creamed.

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I'm thinking Black because all the Black pieces are active.
White is going to have it play it pretty cagey and watch out for
a multiple piece sac near his King.

A quick off the cuff line me playing me.

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White all day long!

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Actually, i put the position into an engine and black was up to +5 within a couple of moves. Interestingly the game started 1.Nf3 ..Na6! Which is an incredible first move by black! It follows the same strategy as GP, aiming for c2 but via a6 instead which is logical but highly unusual. 😀

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It looks like GP has the right of it. You don't realize how much the pawns block the pieces in the initial setup until you try playing a few games with this start position.

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It's the Danish Gambit without wasting time sacking those pawns.

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If you know that c2 is the weak square, specifically for a knight attack, why not play 1.c3

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Looking at GP's game, why not play 3.Bb5 pinning the knight and developing a piece.

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That was just a quick look with me doing a 'selfie' with a pgn viewer.but

1.e3. Nc6 2.Bb5 Qd5 is a move.

If 3. Bxc6+ Qxc6 hitting c2 and g2. if 3.Nc6 Qxg2.

1.e3 is possibly wrong. 1 Nc3 first perhaps but Black's attack is very quick.

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I'd think that white would want to do two things: develop pieces and trade pieces. In any case, I think since you like the Black pieces GP, we should have a forum vs GP game with this set up. GP gets the black pieces. The forum is pretty slow and it looks fun.

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Black is going to crush!

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