Originally posted by VgetaThe teacher hung the students from the tree?
desperately need this riddle solved please anyone>>>>theres one teacher five students . they go to a park . in the park there is an apple tree with five apples. each one took one. how is it possible that theres still four apples left in the tree
"I am a wondrous creature: to women a thing of joyful expectancy, to close-lying companions serviceable. I harm no city-dweller excepting my slayer alone. My stem is erect and tall - I stand up in bed - and whiskery somewhere down below. Sometimes a countryman's quite comely daughter will venture, bumptious girl, to get a grip on me. She assaults my red self and seizes my head and clenches me in a cramped place. She will soon feel the effect of her encounter with me, this curly-locked woman who squeezes me. Her eye will be wet."
(Translated from Anglo-Saxon by S A J Bradley)