Originally posted by @christopher-albonAll well and good but wouldn't it be an indication that future cars will have some kind of 'consciousness' that covers most all such situations, like say, you want to go to a drive in theater and the car knows how to negotiate all the turns and such to get into a spot where you want to watch the movie. It seems to me it would lead to a negotiation package that would allow vocal interaction with the car 'not this spot, the next one down' kind of input into the car's CPU stuff.
Ahm frum Englund m88t. Su jes chuck a new pine spitzer on the mirra loike.
"Park a bit closer to the entrance to the mall please'' where the car understands human speech and can interact with it.
Originally posted by @ogbNah, they will just activate the one megawatt laser and burn holes through the fog to supplement the radar and IR heads up display so humans can see what's going on but the car CPU would have all that data to still continue driving and avoiding cars swerving in front of them because THEY cannot see a thing.
uhh what about F-O-G ? will they just stop ? on the freeway?
I was once in a situation like that on Calif. 101, the coast road. The fog was so thick you could not see the hood even and when I stopped on the side of the road (worried a semi would plow into us even though we were far off the shoulder). Anyway when I stopped and opened the drivers side door, I could not even see the ground, 6 inches of fog totally obliterated any vision much less the hood of the car or anything else.
But I see radar and IR being the answer, phase array radar not needing a moving antenna since the beam would be electronically adjustable as to direction of RF, they can scan around just like the old dishes on some of my old Air Force radars back in the day when I was in.
Not too serious about the megawatt laser though🙂