Why male and female?

Why male and female?



oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
24 Jun 13

Originally posted by twhitehead
And why is it so important that they only judge what an object looks like and not what it does? Why would they succeed for one and fail for the other? I suspect you are picking and choosing results that you think match your conclusion.
So, do you want me to find an example of an object in nature that a certain percentage of people would, upon first seein ...[text shortened]... e both know this to be the case.
To show that life is designed requires more than gut feelings.
"The fact is that the human capacity for pattern matching is impressive, but not perfect, and we both know this to be the case."

That's right, that's why scientists and laymen both employ inference to the best explanation in their reasonings. So what does that prove?

"And why is it so important that they only judge what an object looks like and not what it does?"

Why would you assume they will judge the importance of what it does if they don't know it can actually do anything? You know what it does, but even if you turn it on and do your magic with it they still won't understand the importance of what you are doing.

For all they know you could be putting on a light show for them, and showing them pictures of people and things while music is playing in the background. How do you know they won't all pull out their bic lighters and wave them in the air, because they think you are putting on a concert for them? Maybe they are not as primitive as you thought they were.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
25 Jun 13
1 edit

Which group was planned and which was not, or were they both planned,
or were they both not planned?

group A


Group B


Is one clearly have ID behind it and the other not?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
25 Jun 13

Originally posted by KellyJay
Is one clearly have ID behind it and the other not?
An example does not prove the rule. You took an example you know the answer too and think it demonstrates your ability to be correct. Besides you took things that you know to be man made. Its as stupid as asking "which is man made, a rock or a car" then claiming this demonstrates your wondrous ability to know what is man made.

Now have a look at the Mandelbro set and tell me whether it has ID behind it.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
25 Jun 13
1 edit

Originally posted by KellyJay
Which group was planned and which was not, or were they both planned,
or were they both not planned?

group A


Group B


Is one clearly have ID behind it and the other not?
Group A was planned. Group B doesn't appear to be planned, but that could be because I am unable to recognise a plan, so I'll flip my probability coin and say...

My answer to your question is both groups are planned.

I'm basing my answer to B on what appears to be a non random arrangement of letters and numbers.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
25 Jun 13

Originally posted by twhitehead
An example does not prove the rule. You took an example you know the answer too and think it demonstrates your ability to be correct. Besides you took things that you know to be man made. Its as stupid as asking "which is man made, a rock or a car" then claiming this demonstrates your wondrous ability to know what is man made.

Now have a look at the Mandelbro set and tell me whether it has ID behind it.
Mandelbro set?

Great, one more thing I need to google just so I can translate Geek into English.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
25 Jun 13

Originally posted by lemon lime
I'm basing my answer to B on what appears to be a non random arrangement of letters and numbers.
Actually we all know that Kelly typed it, so we know for a fact that it had ID behind it.
Of course if you found it carved into a rock somewhere, we would also assume some human wrote it.

Did you look up the Voynich manuscript that Sonhouse mentions in another thread? Its interesting that nobody has been able to conclusively show whether it contains a real language or is just gibberish. We can use our intuition, or we can use statistical analysis, but we still cannot make a determination.



06 Mar 12
25 Jun 13
2 edits

Originally posted by lemon lime
Mandelbro set?

Great, one more thing I need to google just so I can translate Geek into English.
one more thing I need to google

yes, that is what he implied you should do with “Now have a look at the Mandelbro set."

There is nothing arduous about doing that. Here:

The Mandelbrot set is a mathematical set of points whose boundary is a distinctive and easily recognizable two-dimensional fractal shape. “

and Then look at these Mandelbro set patterns:

and then note he asked you “and tell me whether it has ID behind it. “.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
25 Jun 13

Originally posted by lemon lime
Group A was planned. Group B doesn't appear to be planned, but that could be because I am unable to recognise a plan, so I'll flip my probability coin and say...

My answer to your question is both groups are planned.

I'm basing my answer to B on what appears to be a non random arrangement of letters and numbers.
Well if it is being displayed on a computer there is ID involved since it takes
ID to setup everything you see on the screen. It takes several things
working together for anything to end up on your screen. If you think that
is not true trying deleting your operating system and getting your video
card to work. 🙂

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
25 Jun 13

Originally posted by twhitehead
Actually we all know that Kelly typed it, so we know for a fact that it had ID behind it.
Of course if you found it carved into a rock somewhere, we would also assume some human wrote it.

Did you look up the Voynich manuscript that Sonhouse mentions in another thread? Its interesting that nobody has been able to conclusively show whether it contains a ...[text shortened]... is, but we still cannot make a determination.

There are some things we can easily determine due to or intelligence level and experience, while there are other things we will have doubts about, and other things we might be wrong about or just can't make a decision at all. That is just the way God designed it to show his superiority over everything.

The Instructor


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
25 Jun 13

Originally posted by KellyJay
Well if it is being displayed on a computer there is ID involved since it takes
ID to setup everything you see on the screen. It takes several things
working together for anything to end up on your screen. If you think that
is not true trying deleting your operating system and getting your video
card to work. 🙂
What? Does this mean I got the right answer for the wrong reason?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
25 Jun 13

Originally posted by twhitehead
Actually we all know that Kelly typed it, so we know for a fact that it had ID behind it.
Of course if you found it carved into a rock somewhere, we would also assume some human wrote it.

Did you look up the Voynich manuscript that Sonhouse mentions in another thread? Its interesting that nobody has been able to conclusively show whether it contains a ...[text shortened]... is, but we still cannot make a determination.

I don't recall seeing sonhouse talking about that, but I don't read all the threads or necessarily everything in the same thread. It sounds interesting though, because if it is a manuscript written by a person then I would assume it meant something.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
25 Jun 13

Originally posted by twhitehead

Did you look up the Voynich manuscript that Sonhouse mentions in another thread? Its interesting that nobody has been able to conclusively show whether it contains a real language or is just gibberish. We can use our intuition, or we can use statistical analysis, but we still cannot make a determination.
If it is gibberish, then I would have to conclude it was gibberish the author of that manuscript understood. But after looking at some of those pictures, I'm not so sure I would want to try getting into his head to understand what he was saying.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
25 Jun 13

Originally posted by lemon lime
If it is gibberish, then I would have to conclude it was gibberish the author of that manuscript understood.
Not necessarily. Some authors like to create gibberish that is intended to be gibberish, just as some posters over in spirituality do with their posts.
That is actually my guess with regards to the Voynich manuscript, that it is deliberate giberish. To what purpose, I am not sure, possibly to puzzle others, possibly to impress others, possibly as some sort of hoax. But my guess remains a guess, just as anyone claiming they know life is designed just by looking at it, is really just guessing.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
25 Jun 13

Originally posted by twhitehead
Not necessarily. Some authors like to create gibberish that is intended to be gibberish, just as some posters over in spirituality do with their posts.
That is actually my guess with regards to the Voynich manuscript, that it is deliberate giberish. To what purpose, I am not sure, possibly to puzzle others, possibly to impress others, possibly as some so ...[text shortened]... st as anyone claiming they know life is designed just by looking at it, is really just guessing.
That depends on what life you are referring to. If the designed parts of that life are easily seen like the parts of an automobile, then one will be able to tell it is designed just by looking at it.

The Instructor

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
25 Jun 13

Originally posted by lemon lime
[b]What? Does this mean I got the right answer for the wrong reason?[/b]
Now if you didn't show your work you'd gotten full points. 🙂

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