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A divine moral obstacle course

A divine moral obstacle course



A creator entity creates the universe.

It creates human consciousness.

And, thereafter, it does not intervene.

Those humans who figure out how to live well [learning, teaching, loving] without damaging the universe - and the people in their human environment - and this is codified in the form of shared values and norms - get to hope that they will experience their consciousness proceeding to another place after death, although it is, of course, mere aspiration and conjecture rooted mysteriously in their consciousness.

Those humans who do not figure out how to live well or fail to or refuse to, and they damage the universe and the people around them, cease to exist [along with their consciousness] when they die [according to the norms and values and speculation prevalent in their human environment].

Of course, no one living knows if any of this is real and it does not matter because it gives humanity various shared codes for living and some basis for enacting laws.

Doesn't that make more moral sense as a "religion" than dogmas based on claims about explicit instructions, promises, threats, rewards, punishments and so on?

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It sure does.



A creator entity creates the universe.

Yes. I definitely believe that.

It creates human consciousness.

Other than the fact you seem scared to attributer creation to a Person by assigning the word "it" . . . ok. God created human consciousness.

What else?

And, thereafter, it does not intervene.

Hey, that's not what the Bible says.
There are sixty six books there written over a span of I think 1500 years.
Definitely the accumulative effect is that God intervenesd in history.
I guess you are talking about your version of "It" kind of deism.

Those humans who figure out how to live well [learning, teaching, loving] without damaging the universe - and the people in their human environment - and this is codified in the form of shared values and norms - get to hope that they will experience their consciousness proceeding to another place after death, although it is, of course, mere aspiration and conjecture rooted mysteriously in their consciousness.

1.) When Adam the first man relinquished his deputy authority to joined God's enemy, the earth came under a curse.

In the simple words which a child could understand God said -

"Because you listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree concerning which I commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of it: Cursed is the ground because of you; IN toil will you ear of it all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles woll it bring forth to you . etc. et. et. Until you return to the ground, because from it you were taken; For dust you are and to dust you shall return." (Gen. 3:17-19)

What man was assigned to superintend on behalf of God and in coordination with God collapsed into a cursed heap of ecological unbalance.

Because of man's reach for independence, he came under the authority of sin and death. And the creation he was to superintend was damaged in HIS Being damaged.

" The earth dries up and fades away; The world languishes and fades away;
The exalted of the people of the earth languish.
And the earth is polluted under the weight of its inhabitants;
For they have transgressed laws, they violate statutes,
They have broken an eternal covenant. Therefore a curse devours the earth and the inhabitants of it are held guilty." (Isaiah 24:4-6a

The display of Christ's command over nature such as healings, raisings from the dead, miraculous feedings, commanding peace in the midst of storms, walking on water, etc. were not miscellaneous spectacular miracles for no reason. They were dramatic signs teaching normal humanity (perfectly attuned with his Creator and Father) totally has mastery over nature.

They were dramatic reminders that not only the Son of God should reign over nature but the sons of God were predestinated to be.

ADam is pretty far away in history. But CHrist as "the last Adam"{/b] and [b]"the second man" encourages me that if there was Jesus, I can have confidence that there was a first man Adam as his kind of forerunner.

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The forerunner, the first man, Adam, plunged that which was assigned to him into ruination. Yet not totally so. God gave man thousands of years for man to see for HIMSELF that he just cannot master the environment though he is indeed smart and darn well had centries to get it together.

"Where are we going to put this waste?"
"How are we going to stop killing the creatures?"
"How are we going to stop killing each other over this land?"
"How are we going to stop warming up the planet?"
"What happens when all these trees are cut down?"
"How do we stop poisioning these rivers.?
"Where are we going to get enough food?"
"How do we get all these poor people to the other planet?"

God keeps watch over all knowledge.
I believe at times He assists advancement in the short run.

God gives man centries to do his thing.
God knows what man will come up with.
God is not shocked by the wheel or the James Webb Telescope.
C'mon. You're talking about the One who created the whole universe.

Restoral of unity between man and God is the answer.
The manifestation of the sons of God is the heading up of creation again under a
harmonious ecology, with plenty for all, with righteusness and justice in the earth.

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Those humans who do not figure out how to live well or fail to or refuse to, and they damage the universe and the people around them, cease to exist [along with their consciousness] when they die [according to the norms and values and speculation prevalent in their human environment].

Death is called the last enemy of God.
He hates death and He hates sin which brought in death.

The NT doesn't talk agbout "life after death" of "afterlife".
The NT talks about death being abolished as the last enemy of God.

"Death, the last enemy, is being abolished." (1 Cor. 15:26)

"And when this corrutible will put on incorruption and this mortal will put on immportality, then the word which is written will come to pass, "Death has been swallowed up unto victory." Where, O death, is your victory" Where O death, is your sting?" (1 Cor. 15:54,55)

The coming Antichrist is named as one of "those who destroys the earth."

At the last trumpet in Revelation 11 this is said -

"And the nations became angry, and Your wrath came; and the time came for tje dead to ne judged, and the time to give the reward to Your slaves the prophets and the saints and to those who fear Your name, to the small and to the great, and to destroy those how destroy the earth." (Rev. 11:18)

Of course, no one living knows if any of this is real and it does not matter because it gives humanity various shared codes for living and some basis for enacting laws.

Doesn't that make more moral sense as a "religion" than dogmas based on claims about explicit instructions, promises, threats, rewards, punishments and so on?

We have in history a denomonstration of the victory in every way of a man totally and organically united with God - mingled and saturated as God-man. That is Jesus of Nazareth - Emmanuel - God with us.

My trust is in following Him. While I do not understand all things about this completely, He arrests my trust. And Christ can live within as a living "organic" law of life and nature of the Son of God.


@sonship said
Other than the fact you seem scared to attributer creation to a Person by assigning the word "it" . .

"It" refers to a "creator entity".

Why would I refer to it as a "person".

I'll leave the anthropomorphism to you religionists.


@sonship said

And, thereafter, it does not intervene.

Hey, that's not what the Bible says.
There are sixty six books there written over a span of I think 1500 years.
Definitely the accumulative effect is that God intervenesd in history.

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@fmf said
A creator entity creates the universe.

It creates human consciousness.

And, thereafter, it does not intervene.

Those humans who figure out how to live well [learning, teaching, loving] without damaging the universe - and the people in their human environment - and this is codified in the form of shared values and norms - get to hope that they will experience their consci ...[text shortened]... gmas based on claims about explicit instructions, promises, threats, rewards, punishments and so on?
You are suggesting this is how you see reality?

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Too many typos:

"And the nations became angry, and Your wrath came; and the time came for the [edit] dead to be [edit] judged, and the time to give the reward to Your slaves the prophets and the saints and to those who fear Your name, to the small and to the great, and to destroy those who [edit] destroy the earth." (Rev. 11:18)

I enjoy looking them up and writing them myself.
Maybe I should just cut and paste verses from now on.

How come you guys don't complain about these typos on the Bible?

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I'll leave the anthropomorphism to you religionists.

Who is doing the "selecting" in "natural selection?"

"Its" don't "select" anything.

Definition of select (Entry 1 of 3)
1: chosen from a number or group by fitness or preference

select verb
selected; selecting; selects
Definition of select (Entry 2 of 3)
transitive verb

: to choose (as by fitness or excellence) from a number or group : pick out
intransitive verb

: to make a choice

Synonyms & Antonyms for select
Synonyms: Adjective

cherry-picked, choice, chosen, elect, favored, favorite, first-line, handpicked, picked, preferred, selected
Synonyms: Verb

cherry-pick, choose, cull, elect, handpick, name, opt (for), pick, prefer, single (out), tag, take
Antonyms: Verb

decline, refuse, reject, turn down


@kellyjay said
You are suggesting this is how you see reality?
Of course not. Both you and sonship seem to have been completely blindsided by this conversation topic


@fmf said
A creator entity creates the universe.

It creates human consciousness.

And, thereafter, it does not intervene.

Those humans who figure out how to live well [learning, teaching, loving] without damaging the universe - and the people in their human environment - and this is codified in the form of shared values and norms - get to hope that they will experience their consci ...[text shortened]... gmas based on claims about explicit instructions, promises, threats, rewards, punishments and so on?
I was with you for the first two comments. After that things got cloudy.


@avalanchethecat said
It sure does.
Don't encourage him!


@josephw said
I was with you for the first two comments. After that things got cloudy.
If you have nothing to contribute, then it's OK for you not to post.


@fmf said
If you have nothing to contribute, then it's OK for you not to post.
What you mean is if I have nothing to contribute in support of your personal opinions and mischaracterizations of the absolute truths of scripture, then it's OK for me not to post.

No problem. Say on.

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