Call on Jesus 10 Times

Call on Jesus 10 Times


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03 Jan 13
28 Feb 21

"Despise not the day of small beginnings." - Zech. 4:10



04 Apr 04
28 Feb 21

@sonship said
People need a simple way to get started knowing the Lord Jesus.
And people in obeying and following the Lord Jesus STILL need a simple way to enjoy the Lord.

Rajk999 always argues that surely calling means you want to be disobedient to Christ. But Jesus taught that who is greatest in the kingdom of the heavens is as a little child.

New Kin ...[text shortened]... a Father, Abba, Abba Father"[/i] is effective in causing the presence of God to rise in your heart.
If a child has to call his father 10 times, over and over, on and on for days, months and years like what you do, then it should dawn on you by now, that the father is not listening. This is exactly what the bible says about people like you. You preach disobedience to Christ. God has therefore turned His face away from you.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
28 Feb 21

I came here to have meaningful discussion about the subject with other questioning people, to share views and viewpoints, to try to understand each other and hopefully to enjoy the process. Unfortunately, every thread seems to be derailed by your own unique brand of self-important hurricane-winded and sanctimonious textual anaesthetic. So no, I don't come here bored, I get here and you bore me.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
28 Feb 21

No one hears the bullet that kills you.

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03 Jan 13
28 Feb 21
1 edit


STRAW MAN argument. Knock it down. It should be easy.

If you don't want to call on the Lord Jesus a few times or even ONCE, that's your business. You don't need to run and stop others who love the Lord Jesus and want to call on His name to contact Him.

People need to touch Jesus to obey Jesus because they need to avail themselves of the grace and power of His presence.

People need to TOUCH the Lord Jesus in order to OBEY the Lord Jesus BECAUSE they need to TAKE Him in His grace, empowerment, enabling, life power to live Him.

"Just taste and see that the Lord is good".

To love Him it certainly helps to TASTE Him. So some will be ushered into enjoying Christ by the simplicity of humbling themselves to CALL to exercise their praying organ to turn to Christ within.

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03 Jan 13
28 Feb 21

King James Bible (Isaiah 12:3)
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

Recovery Version
"God is now my salvation; I will trust and not dread
For Jah Jehovah has become my salvation.

Therefore you will draw water with rejoicing
From the springs of salvation.
And you will say in that day.
Give thanks to Jehovah,
Call upon His name."

Forget about the number of repetitions. It says to "CALL UPON HIS NAME"

Should a lover of God call or not call upon His name?

14 Mar 15
28 Feb 21

@sonship said

STRAW MAN argument. Knock it down. It should be easy.

If you don't want to call on the Lord Jesus a few times or even ONCE, that's your business. You don't need to run and stop others who love the Lord Jesus and want to call on His name to contact Him.

People need to touch Jesus to obey Jesus because they need to avail themselves of the grace and power of ...[text shortened]... simplicity of humbling themselves to CALL to exercise their praying organ to turn to Christ within.
As Rajk pointed out:

'But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.' (Matthew 6:7 KJV)

Why are you encouraging heathenism?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
28 Feb 21

The second atheist in a few days (Caesar Salad was first) to call out sonship on his errors using scripture.



04 Apr 04
28 Feb 21
1 edit

@sonship said
King James Bible (Isaiah 12:3)
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

Recovery Version
"God is now my salvation; I will trust and not dread
For Jah Jehovah has become my salvation.

Therefore you will draw water with rejoicing
From the springs of salvation.
And you will say in that day.
Give ...[text shortened]... It says to [b]"CALL UPON HIS NAME"

Should a lover of God call or not call upon His name?
This is a picture presented by Isaiah about events after the return of Christ. The wicked sinful ones who have not kept the commandments are already destroyed.

Those who have kept the commandments will be in the Kingdom of God, rejoicing and calling Jesus name. Those who have followed you, and called Jesus 10 times /hour, will be in the lake of fire at this point.



04 Apr 04
28 Feb 21
1 edit

@sonship said

STRAW MAN argument. Knock it down. It should be easy.

If you don't want to call on the Lord Jesus a few times or even ONCE, that's your business. You don't need to run and stop others who love the Lord Jesus and want to call on His name to contact Him.

People need to touch Jesus to obey Jesus because they need to avail themselves of the grace and power of ...[text shortened]... simplicity of humbling themselves to CALL to exercise their praying organ to turn to Christ within.
God hears the righteous, and his face is turned away from sinners.

.. God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth. (John 9:31 KJV)

The first thing the wise man will do is to keep the commandments.
The first thing to fool does is to practice mouthworship.

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03 Jan 13
28 Feb 21
4 edits

Let's take the Apostle Paul as a good example of one obeying the Lord.

What did he do when Jesus came to him ?

1.) He called on the name of the Lord asking Jesus "Who are you LORD?"

"And he said, Who are you Lord? And He said, I am Jesus, whom you persecute. But rise up and go into the city." (Acts 9:5,6a)

He spoke with His mouth (probably in a strong way) to the Lord Jesus. They got introduced to each other! Jesus revealed to him WHO HE WAS.

2.) Paul prayed for a few days before Ananias came to baptize him. Do you think Paul used his mouth to pray? Do you think he just meditated? Well probably he did some of both. But I bet he did a lot of speaking to the Lord, confessing his sins to Jesus.
'And he was there three days without seeing, and he neither ate nor drank." (v.9). Jesus told Ananias that the man was there PRAYING.
" . . . seek in the house of Judas a man from Tarsus named Saul; for behold, he is praying" (v.11)
Rajk999 wasn't there to scold him and demand that he not open his mouth in vain "mouth-worship."

3.) Then Saul's next acts of obedience were two: To let himself be baptized and to call upon the name of the Lord. That is after Ananias laid hands upon him.

"And now, why do you delay? Rise up and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on His name." (Acts 22:16)

He was plunged into water signifying he was now being immersed into Jesus Christ. And he called upon the name of the Lord Jesus.

Rajk999 wasn't there to scold him to shut up, not do any mouth worship, and obey the commands. Paul write 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament. He knew much about being a follower of Jesus.

14 Mar 15
28 Feb 21

@sonship said
Let's take the Apostle Paul as a good example of one obeying the Lord.

What did he do when Jesus came to him ?

1.) He called on the name of the Lord asking Jesus "Who are you LORD?"

"And he said, Who are you Lord? And He said, I am Jesus, whom you persecute. But rise up and go into the city." (Acts 9:5,6a)

He spoke with His mouth ...[text shortened]... . Paul write 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament. He knew much about being a follower of Jesus.
Did Paul say Jesus 10 times?



04 Apr 04
28 Feb 21
2 edits

@sonship said
Let's take the Apostle Paul as a good example of one obeying the Lord.

What did he do when Jesus came to him ?

1.) He called on the name of the Lord asking Jesus "Who are you LORD?"

"And he said, Who are you Lord? And He said, I am Jesus, whom you persecute. But rise up and go into the city." (Acts 9:5,6a)

He spoke with His mouth ...[text shortened]... . Paul write 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament. He knew much about being a follower of Jesus.
Saul spend a few days blind while he called on Jesus and was converted by Christ. A FEW DAYS !!!!!!!!
After Paul was converted, he warned people that they MUST obey the commandments, live righteously, avoid sin, otherwise there is no inheritance in the Kingdom of God.

As for you ... for the last 15 years, FIFTEEN YEARS [5,475 days !!!!] you are stuck on calling on Jesus, telling people to call on Jesus 100 times, and telling people not to worry about keeping the commandments. You are Satan.

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03 Jan 13
28 Feb 21
4 edits

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Did Paul say Jesus 10 times?
No Paul did not enumerate the number of times.

What police force is here to enforce that I do not call on the Lord Jesus' wonderful name as many times as I need?

Look people. Call as often and as many times as your heart has the capacity to do so. "10 times" is not a legality.

Touch the living fountain of life like this "O Lord Jesus! O Lord Jesus I Love You Lord."

Why don't some of you try it?
" . . . for the same Lord is Lord of all and rich to all who call upon Him." (Rom. 10:12b)

Call on the RICH Lord Jesus.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Feb 21

Speaking to Jesus is not VERSES obedience to Jesus.

Sure, there are some passages about God being displeased with hypocritical worship. Who says worship MUST ipso facto be vain, empty, hypocritical, displeasing to God.

Someone does not want people to contact the resurrected and available Christ that He may dispense His life into them. That is all.

This one will continue to push that to SPEAK to God is necessarily VERSES to obey God.

O Lord Jesus. Lord You be even my very obedience. Lord Jesus, You be my consecration. O Lord JESUS! Lord YOU Yourself be my zeal, my dedication, my submission, my worship. O Lord Jesus YOU be everything that I need."

"For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Rom. 10:13)

Now whisper with your heart turned to the Lord Jesus- Her we go, Whisper. No need to make a commotion.

Lord Jesus, I love You. O Lord Jesus, I love You Lord. Thankyou Lord Jesus. I receive You. Lord Jesus wash me of ALL and EVERY one of my sins. O Lord Jesus I love You Lord."

See? No need to make a commotion. You can quietly turn your heart over to the Lord Jesus, not just once but daily. Even moment by moment you can speak to the Lord Who is there to come into your heart.

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