This is the thing sonship. Witness Lee is comparable to the whispering serpent. 'For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5).
The serpent of course was wrong. Man did not become like God. Rather he brought sin into the world. Witless Lee is cut from the same cloth. The deification thing is a false promise.
Ah! Out comes the Witness Lee card.
Here we go - the cult of personality.
Can you disbunk my explanations yet apart from the emotional appeal of hinting at a cult of personality? Give it a try.
If not, it is not necessary to mention Witness Lee.
What benefit do you hope to secure by dropping his name here?
Rank suspicion ??
@ghost-of-a-duke saidCorrect, and like Satan, sonship is fighting tooth and nail for support from other Christians but all of them, no exceptions have supported his doctrine. He is infected, and he will carry on and on trying to infect others just like Satan did.
This is the thing sonship. Witness Lee is comparable to the whispering serpent. 'For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5).
The serpent of course was wrong. Man did not become like God. Rather he brought sin into the world. Witless Lee is cut from the same cloth. The deification thing is a false promise.
The serpent of course was wrong. Man did not become like God. Rather he brought sin into the world. Witless Lee is cut from the same cloth. The deification thing is a false promise.
Okay. Let's deal with this.
Sure. In the garden mysteriously there is a LYING advasary to God and His purpose.
This one slanders God to man.
And this one (seem to be speaking from experience) hints that God is withholding something because of fear of competition.
It is not that man should not be like God.
It is that man is being tempted to be INDEPENDENT from God and DISOBEDIENT TO God in doing so.
Ummm, like someone ELSE we learn about latter in Scripture.
The lying and slandering serpent does not prove that God does not want man to be like Him. It does prove that God does not want man to follow this liar in being INDEPENDENT from God in attempting to be life God.
Nice try though.
I must admit.
If God DID NOT WANT MAN . . . to be LIKE God . . . in some way . . . then He would not have said "Let Us make man in Our image and according to Our likeness, and let them have dominion over . . . "
Think on it a little bit Christianity.
And don't knee jerk suspicion because Ghost mentioned an influencial speaker - Witness Lee.
Okay, let's fast forward just a little bit to, say, Ephesians 1:4,5.
Isn't it the case, Christianity brethren, that before there was -
a world, a heaven and earth, a planet, a whole universe, God already had in His heart that He would create a man to be like Him in life and nature and holiness?
"Even as He chose us in Him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD . . . to be holy anbd without blemish before Him in love." (v.4)
No universe yet!
And God already has in His heart as a good pleasure that a creation - man - become sons of God.
"Predestinating us unto sonship thorugh Jesus Christto Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will." (v.5)
Any blasphemous usage of Ephesians 1:4,5 here brothers and sisters in Christianity ? Speak up now.
Ghost of a Duke is hoping that you will hurl a charge of blasphemy at me.
Not yet ??
@sonship saidWhile we are waiting, let's unpick your misunderstanding of scripture, believing it supports your deification.
Christianity ? ?
Any blasphemy done by me yet ?
Speak up.
Now, you like to trot out “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Pet. 1: 4) but an honest reading makes clear the apostle was teaching we are to acquire traits of God, like godliness and virtue, to be Godlike yes, and partake of the divine nature, but absolutely not to become Gods ourselves. That is a clear twisting of the text.
Now, you like to trot out “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Pet. 1: 4) but an honest reading makes clear the apostle was teaching we are to acquire traits of God, like godliness and virtue, to be Godlike yes, and partake of the divine nature, but absolutely not to become Gods ourselves. That is a clear twisting of the text.
There are no and never was and never will be capital G [plural Gods.
You already referred to Isaiah.
But you have created man - innocent, neutral, and even "very good," placed before a tree of life which in light of the entire Scripture must stand for the life of God Himself.
Fallen man was alienated not from just knowing about God or knowing God but was "alienated from the life of God" (Eph. 4:18)
Sons of God are sons of God because they have the life of God as a begetting Father.
They are to be God-men.
And in some sense they are gods [little g].
Collectively they end up as an entity to MARRY God because they MATCH God and because they are FILLED with God they end up as a house of God.
You don't want to call that deififcation.
But some through history have looked at this and said "deification, theosis, divinization."
See how many votes for blasphemy we have now for me agreeing that this destinity, even this PREDESISTINY marked out beforehand by God, can be called deification of the saved.
Christianity, any assistance to the atheist Ghost here yet ??
Speak up.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidNow the man wants to MARRY GOD. The bible says the righteous are called to the MARRIAGE SUPPER of the Lamb. Imagine you invite a man to your wedding feast and he thinks he is going to marry your bride. Typical church Christian arrogance .. elevating themselves instead of exercising patience and waiting on God to do it.
I think you are the one badly in need of assistance.
@sonship saidWhat about when you quote from Witness Lee. Volumes and volumes from Witness Lee's books and websites?
Ah! Out comes the Witness Lee card.
Here we go - the cult of personality.
Can you disbunk my explanations yet apart from the emotional appeal of hinting at a cult of personality? Give it a try.
If not, it is not necessary to mention Witness Lee.
What benefit do you hope to secure by dropping his name here?
Rank suspicion ??
Come on folks.
Atheists FMF, Ghost of a Duke, and the founder of "The Church of No Inheritance," Rajk999 are here to boldly represent what Christianity should say about deification.
So far you all see no ground to anathemize a teaching that sons of God predestinied from before the foundation of the world are destined to deification - glorified sons of God partakers of His holiness and without blemish before Him in love?
See Ephesians 1:3,4 .
Sons, never meant to be alienated from the life of God.
Sonship possessers - the position and life of sons of God inheriting the riches of the Father (yet not His Godhead).