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A wonderful quote from Martin Luther King Jr which I would like to share with you...

"Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase"

So when people nit-pick the Bible and worry about tiny details (which, after all, have probably been changed by translation) maybe they should step back, feel the life in themselves and marvel at such a wonder. Say "Thank you", even if you're not sure who you're thanking. That's your first step. Enjoy the staircase.

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Originally posted by borissa
A wonderful quote from Martin Luther King Jr which I would like to share with you...

"Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase"

So when people nit-pick the Bible and worry about tiny details (which, after all, have probably been changed by translation) maybe they should step back, feel the life in themselves and marvel ven if you're not sure who you're thanking. That's your first step. Enjoy the staircase.
Hello and welcome aboard Christianity. If you're going to Heaven, you're in the right place. If you're not going to Heaven, you're about to have a really long and boring flight.

We'd like to tell you now about some important safety features of this religion. The most important safety feature we have aboard this faith is . . . The Bible. Please look at one now.

There are 5 get-out-of-any-argument clauses aboard this faith, 2 at the front, 2 over the wings, and one out the faith’s rear end. If you're seated in one of the get-out-of-any-argument rows, please do not store your bags by your feet as you may impede other passengers.

Please take a moment and look around and find the nearest get-out-of-any-argument clause. Count the rows of seats between you and the exit. In the event that the need arises to find one, trust me, you'll be glad you did. We have pretty blinking lights on the floor that will blink in the direction of the clauses. White ones along the normal rows, and pretty red ones at the emergency clause rows.

In the event of a loss of faith pressure, zealously religious forum posters will drop down in front of you. Simply cower behind one and make a kissing motion on their behind until faith pressure is restored.

In the seat pocket in front of you will find a Bible detailing the safety features of this religion. Please read it so in the event of an emergency, you’re able to twist and interpret any information to suit your current argument.

Please take a moment now to make sure your circular arguments are fastened securely. To fasten the argument, simply ignore any non-Christian logic and insert your head up your own rectum. To release, find a pro-Christian website and continuously copy and paste links to and large sections of text from it.

There is no sinning allowed in the cabin on this flight. There is also no sinning in the lavatories. If we see sin coming from the lavatories, we will assume you are a heretic and oust you accordingly.

We're glad to have you travelling with us on board this religion. Thank you for choosing Christianity, and giving us your business and your money. If there's anything we can do to make you more comfortable, please don't ask since we won’t do anything until after you’ve died.

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Lol, that's funny, even if I do disagree with it.

True Christianity won't take your money. True Christianity doesn't need copy-and-paste tactics. The most important thing for a Christian is striving to be 'like Christ'- which is what 'Christian' means. Christ was gentle, loving and had unwavering faith. When non-Christians look at religion, they generally see boring church services, fanatics trying to convert everyone and declaring hell for those who don't pray ten times a day, and religious wars killing millions. I know, I was strongly atheist once.

What are the most important commandments in the Bible? Not 'go to church regularly'. Not 'give money to the poor'. But quite simply, 'Love your God, and love one another'. Faith in God helps you to love those whom it would be difficult to love otherwise.

I know it's difficult to believe in a god (as I said, I was an atheist) and to be honest, I can't even pick out the point where I started believing. All I know is that it was a relief one morning when I woke up and didn't think 'Oh no, another day to struggle through, with no real idea as to its purpose or meaning', but I thought 'Good morning, God, thank you for giving me a purpose, and for loving me even when I get things wrong'.

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Originally posted by borissa
Lol, that's funny, even if I do disagree with it.

True Christianity won't take your money. True Christianity doesn't need copy-and-paste tactics. The most important thing for a Christian is striving to be 'like Christ'- which is what 'Christian' means. Christ was gentle, loving and had unwavering faith. When non-Christians look at religion, they generally u for giving me a purpose, and for loving me even when I get things wrong'.
Sounds to me like you've got the right idea about faith and religion.

Just so you know, my above post (even though it is a rather snide and generalising critique) is aimed at the select group of religious zealots that spend all day wrecking this forum with their single minded arguments about Christianity.

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Thanks. Maybe some atheists/agnostics would take a more favourable view on religion if the 'zealots' calmed down and God's simple message of love could be understood by more people.

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I see from alot post that people believe that to have faith u have to believe in god or any other religous head is not faith in something not enough. From my point of view were i believe in a two things cause i dont know how much to believe in the bible or the evolution theory so i look at both and come up with my own ideas were we come from and what i should believe in thats my faith god and science.

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Yeah, I would never claim that Christianity is the only way, whatever works for the individual is fine (obviously, I would condemn anything involving hatred of other races, genders, sexualities etc.). I believe in both God and Science, and while some people think this is not possible I would say to them- rubbish. I believe that God created Science when He created matter.

For example, the obvious one, Genesis. Each 'day' does not refer to a turning of the earth, but rather an era. When humans were created, every other animal was already on Earth. I believe that rather than creating each species as completely new, God modified existing species. The main difference with humans is that He gave us a soul, and a bigger brain so that we could cope with this idea and choose to follow Him.

That's creationism (religion) and evolutionism (science) in one, without conflicting.

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Originally posted by borissa
A wonderful quote from Martin Luther King Jr which I would like to share with you...

"Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase"

So when people nit-pick the Bible and worry about tiny details (which, after all, have probably been changed by translation) maybe they should step back, feel the life in themselves and marvel ...[text shortened]... ven if you're not sure who you're thanking. That's your first step. Enjoy the staircase.
I prefer the quote from Mark Twain about faith:

Faith is believing what you know ain't so.

As for staircases, I much prefer Marcel Duchamp's Nude descending a staircase No. 2

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Originally posted by borissa
Yeah, I would never claim that Christianity is the only way, whatever works for the individual is fine (obviously, I would condemn anything involving hatred of other races, genders, sexualities etc.). I believe in both God and Science, and while some people think this is not possible I would say to them- rubbish. I believe that God created Science when He cr ...[text shortened]... Him.

That's creationism (religion) and evolutionism (science) in one, without conflicting.
Did he modify the jaws of lions to better sink into the flesh of gazelles?

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Originally posted by borissa

True Christianity won't take your money. The most important thing for a Christian is striving to be 'like Christ'- which is what 'Christian' means. Christ was gentle, loving and had unwavering faith. When non-Christians look at religion, they generally see boring church services, fanatics trying to convert everyone and declaring hell for those who don't pray ten times a day, and religious wars killing millions.
Wow, at last! A christian who understands the "christ" bit.
Well said, Sir. I can't think of any large christian group (except maybe Methodists?) who put Being Nice before making money and squashing the rivals.

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Originally posted by Mixo
Wow, at last! A christian who understands the "christ" bit.
Well said, Sir. I can't think of any large christian group (except maybe Methodists?) who put Being Nice before making money and squashing the rivals.
Don't forget the Quakers.

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A wonderful quote from Martin Luther King Jr which I would like to share with you...

"Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase"

So when people nit-pick Muffy and worry about tiny details (which, after all, have probably been misunderstood) maybe they should step back, feel the life in themselves and marvel at such a wonder. Say "Thank you", even if you're not sure who you're thanking. That's your first step. Enjoy the staircase.

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Originally posted by telerion
A wonderful quote from Martin Luther King Jr which I would like to share with you...

"Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase"

So when people nit-pick Muffy and worry about tiny details (which, after all, have probably been misunderstood) maybe they should step back, feel the life in themselves and marvel at such a w ...[text shortened]... ven if you're not sure who you're thanking. That's your first step. Enjoy the staircase.
Was MLK even referring to religious belief?

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He was referring to faith, whatever the context, and for what I wanted to say it applied well.

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Originally posted by borissa
Yeah, I would never claim that Christianity is the only way, whatever works for the individual is fine (obviously, I would condemn anything involving hatred of other races, genders, sexualities etc.). I believe in both God and Science, and while some people think this is not possible I would say to them- rubbish. I believe that God created Science when He cr ...[text shortened]... Him.

That's creationism (religion) and evolutionism (science) in one, without conflicting.
Science and genesis contradict each other, however, as genesis implies that the sun appeared after plants. It certainly gets evolution mixed up when birds appear before land animals.

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